Looking for mature clan members (Moh/BF3/Blackops)

Getting more headshots with the Gol now im having to adapt to non-hardcore :p

Also, I dont know if other factors are involved but player models seem more accurate. I shot someone in the armpit, which is where, IRL, body armour doesnt cover. They died instantly.
Getting more headshots with the Gol now im having to adapt to non-hardcore :p

Also, I dont know if other factors are involved but player models seem more accurate. I shot someone in the armpit, which is where, IRL, body armour doesnt cover. They died instantly.

My reg seems far better these days!!!

I've got the invoice to upgrade the slots on our server but am in work and cant access it grrrrr.
i'd love to join, but sadly im only 17, can i not still wear the tags, but not participate in events? :| i play only css, and i love it :) will join maybe wednesday, college day off then haha :P

EDIT: Join the css server and maybe vent that is.
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i'd love to join, but sadly im only 17, can i not still wear the tags, but not participate in events? :| i play only css, and i love it :) will join maybe wednesday, college day off then haha :P

EDIT: Join the css server and maybe vent that is.

Hey mate, sorry only now saw this reply. We occasionally let under 18's in depending on how they act in our mumble server. I got no problem in you putting in an application and joining us on vent.

However we've now closed down the CSS section as the game is dead, the leagues seem to be on the down and player numbers aren’t great. So we've decided to cut it out and concentrate on the more mainstream games.
Im interested in joinging a clan...

Im 28 and like to play my games the way their meant to be played. I.e no freaking camping and going for thos freaking objectives!

Currently play BC2
Camping is subjective

Sometimes i like to find a spot, lie down, and snipe the crap out of everyone, while im sipping on my tea. (30 mins)

Once im done with the tea, its back to getting back in the field.

I like both. Altho the only types i play are TDM and i LOVE CTF!!
Put in an app through about two weeks ago, would admit great set of people on there and had some very enjoyable evenings.

Servers do fill up very quickly especially conquest and rush.
Camping is subjective

Sometimes i like to find a spot, lie down, and snipe the crap out of everyone, while im sipping on my tea. (30 mins)

Once im done with the tea, its back to getting back in the field.

If you could tell me whenever you're sipping your tea, i won't rage at you ;).
You have an Nvidia GPU don't you? :p

We need to sort out the brainwashing they've done to you.

Ha ha, its scray how the brain washing is setting in!

ATI GPU however, so im untainted!

Nah, I understand, that camping is subjective. I too camp, as a defender, but Im refering to the attackers, who camp rather than providing support for their team mates with objectives.

All these campers do, is take up slots, making it 12defenders vs 8attackers effectivly, additionally the attackers have a spawn limit, so exchanging fire with the enemy is just wasting spawn credits, they dont care how many kills you get, all they know is your wasting your own spawn credit.

I keep teleling people, the attackers, should be like a pack of Rhinos, rushing in, trampling everything, rambo style, screw being covert, or stealthy, no time, get in, set the bomb, stay alive.

Anything else is fail.

Thats my style anyway, I ususally manage to set a bomb, within the first 10 secs of a game, becuase the defenders are noobs (generally) not looking at their own objectives which is defense and just camping to get kills, Im in, set bomb, boom. (Thats if my own team are also looking athe objectives too, and kill the defenders trying to scramble to defuse the bomb.

sometimes, it feels like its me vs the defenders, a few times the enmy has agreed that im the only one actually trying to plant the bomb.

The game is really good, when you find a server where the defenders defend and the attckers attack. When its just Campers vs Campers = boring!
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MoH really benefits from smoke and covering fire. Thanks to the good hit registration in this game, if you fire at the area where the enemy is, they're guaranteed to duck and wait it out until you have to reload, which will give your teammates a chance to run to the over side of the map towards the objective or to capture a control point in the sector control game mode, you can also use smoke greatly to your advantage as well whilst taking an objective or a control point due to the thickness the smoke creates.
So how do I join this clan, or is it, I just find your servers, and join if theres a free slot?

I think its about time, i stop joinging random public servers, populated with either campers or cheats, and join a server where people play fair, and actually want to win what ever their objectives are.
So how do I join this clan, or is it, I just find your servers, and join if theres a free slot?

I think its about time, i stop joinging random public servers, populated with either campers or cheats, and join a server where people play fair, and actually want to win what ever their objectives are.

Click on the link in my signature, create an account if you don't have one, read the rules and sign them before creating a new application.
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