Looking for mature clan members (Moh/BF3/Blackops)

I only see the squad server and a css server in your sig?

or is the rush one not up yet >.<

add me on steam goon

But its switching to a 24slot Rush server tonight.

I will more than likely be on tonight as well then, getting bored of playing lonewolf, and not a big fan of squad deathmatch tbh.

Although I have only played it by going lonewolf which is not exactly the best way to play it :p.
I will more than likely be on tonight as well then, getting bored of playing lonewolf, and not a big fan of squad deathmatch tbh.

Although I have only played it by going lonewolf which is not exactly the best way to play it :p.

Jump on mumble as well mate.

Even the most dire game is 10x as good when playing with people you can talk to.
you guys still looking for players for BC2?

Sign up to the TFU website in Gornall's sig, an admin will verify your account giving you the ability to post an application on the forums. Get into mumble, jump on the TFU BC2 server and enjoy your time with us.
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