ok, sorry for being a dummyLogistics company (ltd and registered with CH).
No we don't sell or transport drugs, dummy
ok, sorry for being a dummyLogistics company (ltd and registered with CH).
No we don't sell or transport drugs, dummy
Earlier this week, I found a handbag left in a trolley. We go to look for names, anything of value. My colleague found her mobile phone in there with no screen lock. Found a number under Home. She rang the number on work’s phone. Customer confirmed descriptions of bag, purse, phone etc. Took some ID - passport, bank statement.
Customer was grateful for us keeping the handbag. She cancelled the cards. Nothing was taken including the £150 cash.
What's that old saying? "a thief believes everybody steals"...
I found a wallet a while back. It was just sitting on a wall next to a bustop, it had just shy of £500 in cash and little else bar a couple of credit cards and debit card which, strangely, were all in different names. There was no driving licence or any other form of identification at all, just the three cards in different names. This was at silly o'clock (around 03:30) on a weekday and the town centre was dead. There was literally nobody in sight, on foot or in a car, and it was deathly silent.
There's a huge difference between actually stealing something from someone/being a thief and generally being an honest-decent person most of the time but believing in the concept of "finders keepers losers weepers".
It all boils down to morality I suppose and your life experiences with other people. I've tried to help a lot of people/strangers over the years when I didn't need to or want to but I've always found the majority to be totally undeserving and unappreciative in return so if you're careless enough (like I was) to lose an important wallet you've only got yourself to blame and whoever finds it isn't necessarily a thief/bad person because they pocketed your money. They just capitalised on your stupidity and negligence.
“We have shown that people choose honest and dishonest earning opportunities according to their lying costs, and after self-selecting they are also more likely to cheat or remain honest. Not only does opportunity make a thief, the thief also seeks the chance,”
There's a huge difference between actually stealing something from someone/being a thief and generally being an honest-decent person most of the time but believing in the concept of "finders keepers losers weepers".
It all boils down to morality I suppose
There isnt though. If you found a wallet and kept the money then in the eyes of the law you are as guilty of the crime of theft as if you had pickpocketed the person wallet in the first place.
A case here where a 23 year old who found twenty quid on the floor and kept it was found guilty of theft and fined £175.
You can try and justify it in your mind that there is a difference and you are in general an "honest-decent person" but in fact you are a scumbag criminal just like all the rest (assuming you kept the money if it ever happened)
Why Keeping Found Money Can Land You In Court | Slater + Gordon
Find out why the ‘finders keepers’ woman, Nicole Bailey from Stoke-On-Trent, was charged with theft after picking up a £20 note that she found in a shop.www.slatergordon.co.uk
Most people are in fact dishonest anyway.
Those who want to cheat also seek the chance
An economic study shows that dishonest people consciously choose situations in which they can cheat.www.mpg.de
You can't be an "honest-decent" person and a thief at the same time, they are mutually exclusive*
Maybe you should familiarise yourself with the concept of "theft by finding" before trying to pass yourself off as an apparent upstanding member of society.
Correct, you're either a thieving scumbag or you're not. You've made it pretty clear which side of that you're on.
* where someone has no choice but to resort to stealing food as the only means of feeding themselves/their family becomes more of a grey area in my mind, but only where all other options have been exhausted
But you're not if you would happily steal from them are you.Well, i
So in your opinion I'm a scumbag then. That's okay.
I can still sleep soundly at night knowing I'm a good (but not perfect) person in my community though.
So in your opinion I'm a scumbag then. That's okay.
I can still sleep soundly at night knowing I'm a good (but not perfect) person in my community though.
So in your opinion I'm a scumbag then. That's okay.
I can still sleep soundly at night knowing I'm a good (but not perfect) person in my community though.
It's not though.
Perhaps you just hang around with scummy people. Birds of a feather and all that.
I'd be more inclined to go with something like Thiefy McThiefFace... Would at least give a warning against dealing with them if they ever get MM access!
Damn right I would.Although it does bring up the question. If you found a big bag with a couple hundred K's in it from Bet365 or Amazon Etc would you keep it............