Lost Ark EU - !!

Not for me either, the graphic quality is decent and it seems to have a TON of content and mechanics, so much in fact that its a little overwhelming at first. However although I do like the isometric arpg style of game I'm simply not a fan of the graphic style. I've never quite clicked with the stereotypical "asian" art style (inevitably having some small child like people, huge 20ft long weapons and male characters that never seem to have decent male facial features to create, "odd" hairstyles), however I agree with C Kent above I think the game will do extremely well, combat seemed fluid and involved. Just wasnt a title for me.
My brother has been playing the technical beta and streaming on discord for me. I really like the look of it, great looking combat, visuals and effects. Reminds me a little of warhammer 40k.
Just wish I'd known about this sooner and gotten a key lol.
Very much looking forward to this. I predominantly played Asian mmos in the 2000s and I'm a sucker for a decent isometric game.

As said, it's nice when a game is realised in the west that has been out in the east for years, as they tend to be polished and full of content.

I hope they get a decent release schedule going forward and we don't lag too far behind the Korean market with updates.
Not for me either, the graphic quality is decent and it seems to have a TON of content and mechanics, so much in fact that its a little overwhelming at first. However although I do like the isometric arpg style of game I'm simply not a fan of the graphic style. I've never quite clicked with the stereotypical "asian" art style (inevitably having some small child like people, huge 20ft long weapons and male characters that never seem to have decent male facial features to create, "odd" hairstyles), however I agree with C Kent above I think the game will do extremely well, combat seemed fluid and involved. Just wasnt a title for me.
You always make a female character on asian games ;) it is known.
You can always jump on the RU servers after beta ends, They give you so many things to help you to ilvl1300 to get you
to taste all the t3 content.Lots of english talk in chat to help you along!!
All you need is a vpn, do not use nord it wont support RU.
Surprisingly got a code this morning from amazon and gave it an hour, I am tempted to buy the Bronze pack now.

Doubt I will play anymore Beta as I hate having to re-do it all.
They sent me one but I'd got one elsewhere, enjoyed it so far, it's POE-lite but an MMO, very happy it's simple, as POE eventually disapeared up it's own backside and became like a work project. Looks fine, performance is very good, it is polished, everything works, there's plenty of systems to explore, dunno about the PvP because I couldn't care less about it. I like the combat, (playing Shadowhunter for a change of pace, I'm usually a PLD main) - I'll have fun with it for a while, it will be PTW in the end, if it isn't already, but that doesn't really matter to me as I'm not aiming to play competitively.
I can't think of many things worse than purposely joining Russian servers in an online game. Russians ruin every game they infest.
It is full of english speaking people, i agree about them normally ruining on line games.
Been on the RU server for months and it has been no problem.Zero gold selling spam, i have seen no botting at all.I like you get a limited amount of energy to harvest/craft every day.
it will be PTW in the end, if it isn't already, but that doesn't really matter to me as I'm not aiming to play competitively.

This was my biggest concern with the grind also so I had a look into this. The mtx are mostly pets, mounts, transmog which they call something else and currency. It’s a shame you can buy in game currency but given the amount of dailies and content needing an hour or two if you’re slow per day I don’t feel too bad. If you buy currency to get things faster it’s alarmingly expensive to the point where very few will be doing it.
Fancy this, so laid down for the founders addition. Not fussed about the grind as will be strictly casual pick up and play basis over the next couple of years. Sucker for duel wielding pistols that always end up being gimped somehow compared to everything else.
Played a couple of hours and I must say I'm impressed. The combat is very, very fun.

I've played every ARPG there is but this is my first MMO so I'm very new to this. Can this be played casually or is it like a job, meant to be played 24/7?
Ive wanted this game for so long , i played to lvl 30 in this beta and the majority of it was running/riding to the next quest with small snippets of combat in between.
Granted im just doing the MSQ and ignoring side quests but unlike every other arpg out there ive done very little actual combat getting to lvl 30 which is a real shame as the combat is fantastic.
Im hoping this will change at endgame but im not going to progress any further as i want it fresh-ish on release.
Played a couple of hours and I must say I'm impressed. The combat is very, very fun.

I've played every ARPG there is but this is my first MMO so I'm very new to this. Can this be played casually or is it like a job, meant to be played 24/7?

play however you like. There will always be sweaty players that no life video games. Generally speaking if you want to clear everything each day to keep up with literally everything to min max it’s between 1-2 hours a day
Ive wanted this game for so long , i played to lvl 30 in this beta and the majority of it was running/riding to the next quest with small snippets of combat in between.
Granted im just doing the MSQ and ignoring side quests but unlike every other arpg out there ive done very little actual combat getting to lvl 30 which is a real shame as the combat is fantastic.
Im hoping this will change at endgame but im not going to progress any further as i want it fresh-ish on release.

Huh? What do you mean by little combat I'm confused by this.

Im level 35 and its combat throughout,

Do you mean PvP or are you expecting the intensity of combat as is in POE?
I mean mob density when you move from one quest to another.
I suppose its because its an mmo and not a traditional arpg.
I mean mob density when you move from one quest to another.
I suppose its because its an mmo and not a traditional arpg.

I see what you mean now. Yeah its not apacked with mobs as in the ARPGs like D3 and POE.

Look at the leveling to 50 as an introduction to the game, the fun actually comes post levelling with the PvP and the PvE end game raids. The boss fights seem quite intense.
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