12 Sep 2006
Is anyone else rewatching this since I recently got added back to Netflix?

I know a lot of people hate it due to the way it ended and the questions that went unanswered but I'm thoroughly enjoying watching it again (16 episodes into Season 1) and am getting my 12 year old son to watch along with me who is also enjoying it.
It originally aired during a time of thriving message boards so I loved the days of theorising what was going on with everyone.
Even with the ending i think its still a good show.. Yes it loses its way towards the end and a lot of that was to do with clear lack of direction on the writing side along with the writers strike. Very enjoyable show to watch.
I've thought about it a couple of times, because the first few seasons are excellent TV, it's just a lot of hours to get through again for that ending.
I really enjoyed it up to and including the finale of season 5.

Maybe it should have ended there with
The bomb explosion

That would annoy people as well though :)
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My mum is watching this on Netflix now. Didn't think it would be her thing, she's hooked!

I haven't seen it since Uni, bringing up a lot of memories. Every time I see her shes give me an update, and tries to tease spoilers.

"is Ben really a bad guy?" lol
Loved it. Still love it. I want to try and get the wife to watch with me but I know she'll be an emotional wreck at some of the moments. Whenever I hear 'Wonderwall' I always think of Charlie lol.
I never got into it when it originally came out, but my girlfriend loved it and wanted to watch it again. We're currently making our way through supernatural, so will probably move onto this next.
Downtown (song) always remind me of Lost.
Lower your gun, or I'll blow his damn head off brother.

Great series but drags on a lot, probably better to re-watch it on a "reactors" channel where they skip all the filler crap and most reactors don't react anyway so it's like getting a condensed version of a show.

From an era before they started casting via boxes.... I don't thinkt here's really anyone in lost I'd say was miscast apart from maybe walts dad, but I guess the character was supposed to be annoying.

who was the other guy Ekko or something? he was cool but seemed the writers didn't know what to do with his character
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I watched it again recently

it was excellent viewing the first time round, the mysteries the wtf the character arcs all awesome
a lot of the fun was the speculating and theory making that went on online in between episodes

I didn't like the last season that much on first viewing but thought the ending itself was as good as it could be really

on rewatch you do loose some of the fun, its still good though the character stuff especially
i still didnt like the last season as much
there are definitely bits were it drags here or there, they probably could have dropped a season or two and it wouldn't have suffered
but meh I like the whole story / program overall
Yeah, I've started watching it.
I missed out the first time around, as I didn't have Sky. Later on, I did sail the Seven Seas and watched most of it but missed out on the last season.

"is Ben really a bad guy?" lol

That's another thing I have against Lost, that they tried to rehabilitate that absolute little **** of a **** to make him somehow make him look like he was the one who had been victimsed, mistreatded etc. No, Ben Wossname was an out and out **** from the get go, and should have been eaten by a tiger, or polar bear.

edit: And another thing, I resent the fact that they never fixed that incredibly annoying anti-aliasing glitch on the word "LOST" in the main titles, when it goes in and out of focus.. Once seen it can never by unseen. Literally unplayable.
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I don't have Netflix but happened to start rewatching this a few days ago. I've already binge watched the first 20 episodes. Definitely one of my favourite all-time shows.
edit: And another thing, I resent the fact that they never fixed that incredibly annoying anti-aliasing glitch on the word "LOST" in the main titles, when it goes in and out of focus.. Once seen it can never by unseen. Literally unplayable.
Yes! I never saw anyone else mention it and it always bugged me.
Lost is the only series ive been able to watch fully till the end.....tried braking bad and gaven up on season 3 where they were chasing a bee/wasp around his lab
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