s2 opening with Desmondo
Desmond Time travel episodes
Desmond and Kelvin + Key turning
Whole Tail section episode
Locke Blacklight map
Mr EKO and Yemi scene
Jack drunk with a beard and maps "we have to go back" and listening to Nirvana up too loud in his cool retro Toyota truck
Juliet hitting the bomb with a rock
Faraday ending "you knew"
Jacob and MIB first scene

S3 opening Juliet book club into plane crash scene
Excellent show.

I don’t think a show has done so much character development and back story as Lost did, always thought it was great how every episode gives you a back story of that character.
I loved season 1, 2 was okay but by 3 it was driving me mad. It constantly brought up new questions without any answers. I got the feeling of “throw me a fricking bone here!” All my time investment into this, at least give me something…I was getting annoyed with the show. A feeling I was being string along with no satisfaction. That’s when I realise the answer is never going to come because that is the entire premise so gave up not far into season 3.

Glad I did since everyone says the ending is crap anyway.
Doesn't matter how entertaining it was, no chance will ever watch another episode again. Nothing more infuriating than watching a TV show with loads of questions never being answered and the worst ending ever. Wouldn't even put it in my top 10.
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Oh yes, that! The whole thing felt like the writers had no idea what direction they were going except they just sat around and thought “What else can i throw in the confuse people this season….?”

But never thought about answering any of the mystery they invented.
But when we realised that the smoke could
turn into dead people it was amazings never had so much fun with a TV program reading forums and making theories and working it out as we went along
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