LOTR & Hobbit UHD versions coming soon.

Watched The Fellowship of the Ring so far, absolutely brilliant on an OLED with lossless Dolby Atmos :) Yes, some of the effects are dated but that's to be expected from a film from 20 years ago!
yep found the same, generally looks and sounds good. But some of the CGI is a bit ropy at times.
yep found the same, generally looks and sounds good. But some of the CGI is a bit ropy at times.

from a review i watch they explain that when they Shot fellowship they were using some new technology, which was still in it's infancy stage, so that why some elements of fellowship hasn't age well, but as far as towers and return of the king the technology had process quite a bit, so they suppose to be much better.
from a review i watch they explain that when they Shot fellowship they were using some new technology, which was still in it's infancy stage, so that why some elements of fellowship hasn't age well, but as far as towers and return of the king the technology had process quite a bit, so they suppose to be much better.
ahh right. Will check out the other two see if its improved. Haven't mustered the energy yet to sit through another near 4 hr film
ahh right. Will check out the other two see if its improved. Haven't mustered the energy yet to sit through another near 4 hr film

i totally understand, i had order the steelbook of both and they arrive Monday but not going to watch them until the weekend as lotr extend edition is like 9+ hours long to watch all three of them, then hobbits is another 9+ hours.
I always thought the grain and filters helped carry the special effects in recent years. At the time though I couldn’t get over how awesome the Balrog looked.

Overall though I still thought it looked excellent on my most recent rewatch.

The first film (fellowship) is by far the best though and the last one is easily the worst (but still watchable and enjoyable). I never understand how people think Return of the King is the best.
Watched the first Hobbit tonight. Wife's never seen any of them, so may as well go in the story order. But my oh my does it look good and the sound is amazing. Playing them on a lg oledcx with a full Sonos arc setup. Super happy but looking forward to getting into the actual LOTR ones.
Two Towers last night, you can definitely notice the jump up in CGI as someone mentioned above between this and the first. Still a couple of dodgy bits with Legolas though :D
Watched them over a few days. Just stunning, it's been years since I've seen any of them. Remarkable for when it was made.
Which is the one where Legolas skates down a damn oliphant trunk...makes me want to launch something at the screen when I see that :D
3rd one.

The first they saw that the audience liked legolas' cool moments like sticking an arrow in an orcs head then taking it out and firing it.

Then the 2nd they tried stuff like legolas skating down the steps on a shield to habe it fly into an orc while he then fights another. Cool stuff in a good scene.

So then the 3rd comes and they try to top it and forget to make it good. In the end it just finished as a joke.

Tempted to purchase these once they are the directors extended edition.

Haven't bought a dvd since I bought the original dvd extended edition of LOTR :p
Which is the one where Legolas skates down a damn oliphant trunk...makes me want to launch something at the screen when I see that :D

Spare a thought for me. I seen it first at the cinema and two little kids were next to me and started screaming WOAH when he did this. And the little buggers were elbowing me and jumping about. If they invented time travel tomorrow i would stop myself from watching it until this 4k remaster arrived and promtly spank those two kids until thier arses fell off.
well started watching Lotr 4k steelbooks, I'm about half way through fellowship of the ring extended edition disc 2, forgot how long it really is disc 1 is 1hr 45mins, disc 2 is 2hr 2mins long grand total 3hr 47mins long and if my memory is correct fellowship of the ring extended edition is the shortest one out of the three LOTR extended edition films
fellowship of the ring extended edition is the shortest one out of the three LOTR extended edition films
indeed. they only get longer, though if you exclude the credits, it does shave a ton of time off, a good 40 minutes if i remember correctly on rotk.

funny isn't it how if you say lets watch a 9 hour movie, people say no, but turn that into a 9 hour series and people binge the crap out of it and finish over the weekend.
Watched second Hobbit last night. Might be one of the best 4k movies in terms of picture quality I've seen. Third one tonight, then next weekend will be LOTR :)
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