LOTRO free to play going ahead.

Don't be silly. It's Turbine. Look how many years took them to get away from Dot Net 1.1 .....

And they're still using 4:3 splash screens.

It's obvious there's not much money there, I'm just surprised that Warner Bros hasn't pushed hard to make it bigger, since there can be a lot of money in MMOs and LoTR is a massive thing.
There was an article recently about the top earning MMOs and I distinctly remember LOTRO was still earning a lot of money. More than you would think and I was quite shocked how much.
Update 15 has gone onto the PTS. It looks like it's going to have quite a few new things.

There was an article recently about the top earning MMOs and I distinctly remember LOTRO was still earning a lot of money. More than you would think and I was quite shocked how much.

This is apparently the order in revenue terms:

1. World of Warcraft
2. Lineage
3. TERA: Online
4. Star Wars: The Old Republic
5. Lord of the Rings Online
6. EVE Online
7. Aion
8. Blade and Soul
8. Lineage 2
Even though im lifetime sub ive not played this for AGES! And though im a lotr fan i just can't get in to this :( i have tried so many times and just trying to get max level is so time consuming.

2x expansion updates have come in place now and played 0 :(
Even though im lifetime sub ive not played this for AGES! And though im a lotr fan i just can't get in to this :( i have tried so many times and just trying to get max level is so time consuming.

2x expansion updates have come in place now and played 0 :(

I thought about playing it the other week but couldn't bring myself round to it. I completed the Mirkwood expansion last Christmas and it bored me that much I just can't face playing it again.

Shame really because I used to love this game and spent way too much time playing it.
It really goes to hell after Moria, I don't know if they lost some decent designers or what, but while I can play 1-55 over and over, I've only managed to grind one toon up to 69, and that bored the bejeesus out of me.

I think it's partly that a lot of the post-moria areas aren't directly from the books, so there's nothing to relate too. One of these days I'll make it to Rohan :D
Yeah moria was the peak for me, its when I had the best group to play with aswell having a laugh every night! lothlorian was added and it went in a poor direction of daily grinding to get read for mirkwood which inturn wasn't very good. I reached rohan got my horse and hate the mounted combat so haven't gone any further. level 76 is my highest a few level 75's but my server is now dead so don't know what to do.
I'm a lifer just come back and everything's changed. Has it got easier? My main is an LM, a well geared one prior to me leaving (around the Tower of Orthanc raid) and I can never remember being this tough or killing stuff so quickly. I can pull 3+ mobs and facetank them, i'm sure it was never like this. I went back to my hunter (only lvl66) and it doesn't kill stuff as quickly.

where and what is the end game now? what's the "best" gear? has something happened to crafting? I really didn't like mounted combat either when i tried it, apart from the starter quest in the area I've not touched it since. I'm guessing the book episode uses it though.

i've played it a lot since the weekend and i'm still undecided tbh.
Also a lifer. I keep trying to go back and play, but I just can't stand the mounted combat, and I think I've only managed about 1 level in a year or more.
Yes, to the point that everything's a complete faceroll. I can't understand the logic behind it at all, it's like having a cheat mode on all the time.

Yup u don't even have to plan anymore. So easy but still a friend of mine dies all the times.... doesn't even feel like an achievement to reach level 21 without dying anymore.
seems like a really bizarre decision. i was playing my captain (lvl28) just to try and remember what it was like and i was doing some of the early book quests with radagast the brown when he sends you to kill the gaunt singers. i can remember that being really tough, having to make sure you only pulled the one mob, multiple pulls meant legging it or death. this time i was pulling the whole place with impunity and barely a scratch. is all the content like that now?
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