Love Britain ? - Vote UKIP.

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If you are genuinely discontent with all the options, ask yourself, what have you actually done about it in the past 4 years? Voting isn't the only way to campaign for what you think is right. If the answer is 'nothing', I think you waive your right to complain at the choice.

Rubbish. As if you need to earn the right to complain about the unethical and criminal behavior of people running these political parties. :rolleyes:
[TW]Fox;26223020 said:
100 times this. This is why referendums are generally quite scary things - if people took the time to understand what they were voting for and make a rational and objective choice they might work but few people do and most of us lack the understanding needed to make an educated decision. I know I couldn't decide categorically whether we should be in or out of the EU without much reading and thinking, something I can't be bothered to do, much like everyone else.

The whole point in our political system is we elect people to represent us and to make the decisions we lack the clarity, understanding or background knowledge to make ourselves. It's not perfect, sure. Some of them are idiots, absolutely. But it's gotta be better than just asking everyone, 80% of whom will vote whichever way the press tell them to or based on all sorts of random rubbish?!

But we back them to make sound economic decisions on our behalf. Can you name me a government who did this in the last 20 years? Between immigration fail, selling our gold at a low price, racking up national debt etc.

Are they more informed than us and if so who's informing them? Are they making rational objective decisions for our welfare or that fit in with their political ideals regardless of the reports in front of them?

The problem with an objective referendum on the EU is who can actually quantify what we will gain or lose? In who's best interest is it to show us only selective data?
[TW]Fox;26223020 said:
100 times this. This is why referendums are generally quite scary things - if people took the time to understand what they were voting for and make a rational and objective choice they might work but few people do and most of us lack the understanding needed to make an educated decision. I know I couldn't decide categorically whether we should be in or out of the EU without much reading and thinking, something I can't be bothered to do, much like everyone else.

The whole point in our political system is we elect people to represent us and to make the decisions we lack the clarity, understanding or background knowledge to make ourselves. It's not perfect, sure. Some of them are idiots, absolutely. But it's gotta be better than just asking everyone, 80% of whom will vote whichever way the press tell them to or based on all sorts of random rubbish?!

Exactly! sun readers deciding on economic future of the country in an EU in/out referendum, no thanks!
But we back them to make sound economic decisions on our behalf. Can you name me a government who did this in the last 20 years? Between immigration fail, selling our gold at a low price, racking up national debt etc.

The problem with hindsight is that it's very easy to look back and say 'Well duh, that was obviously the wrong decision'. There will have been many other decisions made over the last 20 years, decisions that nobody knows or cares about because there were zero negative consequences.

Some obvious howlers in there of course but generally speaking it's very easy to sit there and say 'Well that wasn't a good idea'. Far easier than it is to make the decision in the first place without the benefit of hindsight.

Are they more informed than us and if so who's informing them?

Yes, they are obviously more informed than we are. They have access to higher level information we don't, they have access to official information far in advance of us and they have access to qualified, educated advisors. It is daft to suggest they are no more informed than we are, they quite obviously are.

I suspect what you mean is that do they use this information to the full effect and do they use it to make the right decisions. I don't know. Probably, most of the time.

Are they making rational objective decisions for our welfare or that fit in with their political ideals regardless of the reports in front of them?

I suspect a bit of both.
Yea but if I have the power to commission a report into xyz I know will give me the answer im looking for I will request that information, not zyb which might not. Therefore I can present a factual proposition supported by the research data I commissioned while omitting the data they don't want to see showcased.

For example immigration, parties are trying to show it im the best possible light i.e it's an economic boon. They might be doing so because to say otherwise might be detrimental to their popularity if they were the ones who allowed that immigration to happen. They might want to stay in Europe so only offer positive information on it, omitting the negative implications as they might boost support for UKIP policies.

How do you get around that and decipher who Is most and least economical with the truth?

for Instance, labour want to stay in the5 eu so will they present ucl report that immigration was a net 25 bill boost to the economy or migration watch s recalibration of the figure to a net cost of 25 billion between 01-11.
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Exactly! sun readers deciding on economic future of the country in an EU in/out referendum, no thanks!

Why are these people:
1) Less qualified to say what is best for the country than you?
2) Not entitled to a vote on a national issue if they wish to have one? It is a democracy after all.
People like Mr Jack above do not know what racism really is, people like him are so quick to draw the racism card these days it really is obvious they have been brainwashed, and by being so quick to hurl these accusations at people he actually has a negative effect against real racism.

Oh, I'm sorry - dear boy - what is it about "flooded with racial aliens" that you don't think is the very definition of racist?
I have to admit, the growing wave of UKIP support is starting to get absolutely massive. In the lead ahead of labour, tories and Llib dems in yougov poll. That's astounding!
Oh, I'm sorry - dear boy - what is it about "flooded with racial aliens" that you don't think is the very definition of racist?

Because it isn't the same as "The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races"
*The oxford dictionary version

"flooded with racial aliens" is saying how it seems to the person saying it, it does not suggest anything about anyone being inferior or superior because of their race.
As I said, you don't get it.
Exactly! sun readers deciding on economic future of the country in an EU in/out referendum, no thanks!

Oh yeah, and why are you any more qualified than anyone else to decide how you feel about something.

Lefties do my nut, they always think they views are the only ones to be considered and usually start smashing stuff up when others don't agree with them.
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[TW]Fox;26223020 said:
100 times this. This is why referendums are generally quite scary things - if people took the time to understand what they were voting for and make a rational and objective choice they might work but few people do and most of us lack the understanding needed to make an educated decision. I know I couldn't decide categorically whether we should be in or out of the EU without much reading and thinking, something I can't be bothered to do, much like everyone else.

The whole point in our political system is we elect people to represent us and to make the decisions we lack the clarity, understanding or background knowledge to make ourselves. It's not perfect, sure. Some of them are idiots, absolutely. But it's gotta be better than just asking everyone, 80% of whom will vote whichever way the press tell them to or based on all sorts of random rubbish?!

Democracy is all about feelings, and how something makes you feel I'm afraid, it always has been and it always will be.

If the majority of the population doesn't feel like inviting loads of non-english speakers to large parts of the country and they actually are allowed to say how they feel instead of being dictated to then so be it.

Democracy. I can guarantee the turnout for an EU referendum would be MASSIVE.
It's a democracy and if you don't like it then leave....simples really.

It's a representative democracy, which means we elect people to represent our views and vote on our behalf on issues. This is why we don't go to the polls for every decision a government needs to make.

Surely you must have realised this by the fact there has been only a single referendum for the entire UK (As opposed to the devolution ones) in the last 40 years?

If referendums were the way we normally did things in our democratic system why only one in 40 years?
[TW]Fox;26223789 said:
It's a representative democracy, which means we elect people to represent our views and vote on our behalf on issues. This is why we don't go to the polls for every decision a government needs to make.?

And this is were it fails. Cameron "I will give you the vote on the EU in or out" idiots believed him but then hie came back with..

"I don't think it's prudent to do so in this parliament" in other words You(voter) fell for it.I'm in power so kiss my ass.
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