Love Britain ? - Vote UKIP.

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[FnG]magnolia;26222654 said:
Well, that took 3 posts more than I wanted to read.


The thing is, Gun9, that some of us can see that, in reality, we aren't in dire straights, although I assume you'd argue that we are. What I see is that we're doing alright as a country, and loads of people are just baulking because there are a lot of foreigners around, and then attempting to justify it with half arsed reasons. Yes we have a large number of immigrants. Are things any worse than they would have been if the immigrants had come (bearing in mind that we had an enormous economic crash at roughly the same time that mass immigration for Eastern Europe started happening)??

I really can't comprehend why so many people who vote UKIP bring up all these reasons about overpopulation, overcrowding, seeing foreign people about, "flooding." They're all nonsense.

Also, wtf are racial aliens? These people are the same race as the "native" population. Also, stealth cleansed? I assume that you have a picture of Hitler on your fireplace.
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I really can't comprehend why so many people who vote UKIP bring up all these reasons about overpopulation, overcrowding, seeing foreign people about, "flooding." They're all nonsense.

There are not all "nonsense" they are just localised and effect some more than others. While the overall benefit to the country may will be positive from immigration certain parts of it won't be seeing the benefit quite so much. Ignoring their problems and dismissing them as nonsense is why fringe parties can pick up disgruntled people that are effectively feeling ignored.

If all of the immigration was spread evenly across the country then you would probably not even notice, but it tends not to be. Instead you get large concentrations in certain areas. This puts strains on local resources, puts downward pressure on low or unskilled work and can significantly change the culture of an area in a short period of time. Of course this is going to be difficult for some people and just dismissing their concerns as nonsense seems a little unfair.
To be fair, perhaps hes talking about the people working off the screen. Anyone who claims minorities are underrepresented actually on the screen must be a total nutcase.

Or just actually check out their facts before they flap their fingers.

Are you actually so ignorant that you believe that to be true? Ethnic minorities continue to be under-represented in everything except continuing drama (where, conversely they are mildly over-represented). In general television and film work, including off-camera and in the top-rated prime-time shows they are represented by around 50%.
Lets see...

Labor - scum
conservatives - scum
lib dems - scum
ukip - scum
bnp - scum

I think i am out of options, aside from maybe the monster raving loony party.
Allow me to translate...

I don't want immigrants here because:

I don't want this country further flooded with racial aliens.

Should read "because I'm a racist".

I do not want foreigners taking our jobs, our hospital places our houses schools etc.

Should read "I don't understand basic economics" and "I'm too stupid to know that our hospital services rely on foreign labour".

I don't want foreign culture taking over my culture, especially when the foreign culture is often unacceptable unassimilable & antithetical to the parent culture.

"I'm a racist and a xenophobe".

This land is overcrowded & overpopulated I do not want to destroy the green belt to accommodate these people.

"I don't actually understand that the UK is less urbanised than European countries such as France and Germany."

I want, like & prefer to live among my own kind, the foreigners clearly do as well & that is why they huddle together & take over entire area's.

"I'm a racist"

This is my country & my land, I know this because my family history shows that my forefathers have been fighting & defending this land for many generations, ironically against & to prevent invasion by foreigners & have paid for this land with their blood, for us.

"My grasp of history is laughably pathetic and I'm willing to insult everyone who ever fought for Britain against the Nazis by invoking their sacrifice in the name of the very racism that they fought against".
dirtychinchilla, just alright? Is that the "whatever" attitude?

Serious question though, the last I recall other countries don't allow white people to bring their culture or ways into others… but the UK just sits back and allows so many to come from so many countries and setup shop with the full family. Therefore so many complain on Question Time and such that Manchester and so many places no longer feels like England. Britain has to adapt to others or it's racist but go to their country and you have to adapt to theirs.

So many people say now they feel like a foreigner in their own land. Some had to move because they were getting singled out with all the different cultures.

There's another. It comes up regularly on Question Time.

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Lets see...

Labor - scum
conservatives - scum
lib dems - scum
ukip - scum
bnp - scum

I think i am out of options, aside from maybe the monster raving loony party.

you need to watch
Richard Herring Hitler moustache

Yes it's stand up, but he makes an excellent point. It was at BNP gaining EU seats, but works for you as well.

Out off all the parties, there's not one you think will do a better job, than a racist party. There's not one which you think will do even a marginally better job than another?
I am 20 years old and so next year will be my first time to vote in a general election, trouble is I currently have no idea who to vote for. Looking around modern politics I just see corrupt politicians fighting for their own power, greed and lust, they do not seem to be driven by a want to help the people of their country but rather driven by the want to line their own pockets and waste time, money and resources helping themselves and their buddies.

This goes for all political parties I have witnessed through the media over the past few years, so I have absolutely no idea who to vote for in this sea of liars.
I am 20 years old and so next year will be my first time to vote in a general election, trouble is I currently have no idea who to vote for. Looking around modern politics I just see corrupt politicians fighting for their own power, greed and lust, they do not seem to be driven by a want to help the people of their country but rather driven by the want to line their own pockets and waste time, money and resources helping themselves and their buddies.

This goes for all political parties I have witnessed through the media over the past few years, so I have absolutely no idea who to vote for in this sea of liars.

If you feel none of the parties represent you then you should spoil your ballot.
If you feel none of the parties represent you then you should spoil your ballot.
rubbish, that means absolutely nothing and an utterly pointless exercise.

You choose the one that you think will do a better job, however marginal.

Yet more people who need to watch a bit of stand up.

Just search for Richard herring Hitler moustache on youtube and watch it, or find the bit about bnp and voting.
Ian wright our MP [LABOUR] Has shut our hospital

I do not want foreigners taking our jobs, our hospital places our houses schools etc.

Contradiction much?

Jeez, politics brings some right spanners out of the woodwork doesn't it. Democracy genuinely scares me for this very reason. I'm probably more clued up on the EU debate than most of the population and yet I still know nothing and would rather people in charge with actual knowledge and experience on the subject decide rather than handing the decision to a mob of people who have no clue whatsoever.
That's the thing though, I feel like spoiling my ballot paper would just be a waste - nobody is ever going to pay attention to the number of spoiled ballot papers.

They do report them. The records reported last time was phenomenal and each time.
They do report them. The records reported last time was phenomenal and each time.

It mealy nothing, and no one pays attention. Until you get a box saying all off the above are idioms. It means squat. As it's counted along with anyone who can't fill it in or any other mistakes.

And are you really trying to say there isn't at least one party you think will do a margnally better job than another. If so you need to read their polices even the overview would put an end to that question.

You really trying to say there's no one on the list who is better than a racist party.
It's because of such apathy and noises, such lunatic parties do better than they should.
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People like Mr Jack above do not know what racism really is, people like him are so quick to draw the racism card these days it really is obvious they have been brainwashed, and by being so quick to hurl these accusations at people he actually has a negative effect against real racism.
UKIP are appealing to people like me who are sick to death of these ignorant people who are so quick to call out racist! or xenophobe! to anyone who cares about the country they live in.
At last more people are seeing through the likes of Mr Jack and his kind.
Spoiling you ballot is pointless as it won't actually change anything.

If you are genuinely discontent with all the options, ask yourself, what have you actually done about it in the past 4 years? Voting isn't the only way to campaign for what you think is right. If the answer is 'nothing', I think you waive your right to complain at the choice.

For the record, I don't think there are any outstanding choices, but I can't be annoyed because I haven't done anything about it, so it obviously isn't something that deeply bothers me.
Jeez, politics brings some right spanners out of the woodwork doesn't it. Democracy genuinely scares me for this very reason. I'm probably more clued up on the EU debate than most of the population and yet I still know nothing and would rather people in charge with actual knowledge and experience on the subject decide rather than handing the decision to a mob of people who have no clue whatsoever.

100 times this. This is why referendums are generally quite scary things - if people took the time to understand what they were voting for and make a rational and objective choice they might work but few people do and most of us lack the understanding needed to make an educated decision. I know I couldn't decide categorically whether we should be in or out of the EU without much reading and thinking, something I can't be bothered to do, much like everyone else.

The whole point in our political system is we elect people to represent us and to make the decisions we lack the clarity, understanding or background knowledge to make ourselves. It's not perfect, sure. Some of them are idiots, absolutely. But it's gotta be better than just asking everyone, 80% of whom will vote whichever way the press tell them to or based on all sorts of random rubbish?!
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[TW]Fox;26223020 said:
100 times this. This is why referendums are generally quite scary things - if people took the time to understand what they were voting for and make a rational and objective choice they might work but few people do and most of us lack the understanding needed to make an educated decision. I know I couldn't decide categorically whether we should be in or out of the EU without much reading and thinking, something I can't be bothered to do, much like everyone else.

The whole point in our political system is we elect people to represent us and to make the decisions we lack the clarity, understanding or background knowledge to make ourselves. It's not perfect, sure. Some of them are idiots, absolutely. But it's gotta be better than just asking everyone, 80% of whom will vote whichever way the press tell them to or based on all sorts of random rubbish?!

100x your 100x, even if we quote are jobs and studied all the different areas of politics we still wouldn't be able to come close to experts. Which is why governments have experts in most fields to advise them, shame they don't listen half the time though.
100x your 100x, even if we quote are jobs and studied all the different areas of politics we still wouldn't be able to come close to experts. Which is why governments have experts in most fields to advise them, shame they don't listen half the time though.

That's not true - remember when they listened to David Nutt?
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