| LUMO |

So a quick change of graphic and the assembly of the rad and fans can begin.





I may go a step further and do the intake edges as well as the surround of the fan grill.



This will look amazing when finished. Top work. :cool:

Wow B N3GATIVE just WOW...

Really like what you have done so far.
And all the little details so well though out.


Thanks guys,the challenges are beginning to mount now.

As snug as a bug in a rug..Now thats tight!

I may have to break out the crowbar....





I will have to take this all into the loft for wider angle shots,my desk is not big enough!
Lovely work, I especially like the smooth marble finish (how many coats did it need in the end?)

And the revised rad graffic is a big improvement - personally I think it's still to big.
Thin line (aka gpu stripes) on the bottom edge with EK logo (aka compressions) centered and alined with the IN WIN logo would be more unified imho.

Then again, in the case it may work well againest the frame...
Just looks like EK are the main sponsor now, as you've used an inverted font for them and no one else.
I'm not a EK fan so it may just be me being bias.

Either way, I really enjoying watching this log progress, have some stars
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The attention to detail on the build is fantastic, a true craftsman, superb work B N3GATIVE


Got a nice one coming up next from a new case maker,it promises to be a beast X99 too.

Lovely work, I especially like the smooth marble finish (how many coats did it need in the end?)

And the revised rad graffic is a big improvement - personally I think it's still to big.
Thin line (aka gpu stripes) on the bottom edge with EK logo (aka compressions) centered and alined with the IN WIN logo would be more unified imho.

Then again, in the case it may work well againest the frame...
Just looks like EK are the main sponsor now, as you've used an inverted font for them and no one else.
I'm not a EK fan so it may just be me being bias.

Either way, I really enjoying watching this log progress, have some stars

6 coats in the end....you can cheat a little with flat panels,you can lay them flat and hammer it on as the clear wont run on a level surface,bang them in the oven for an hour and I can flatten them off.

Insane! Attention to detail is top notch

Cant wait to see the finished build :)

Now its the tricky bit to see if my ruler is a liar or not,it wont be my fault....the chinese ruler is always at fault.
The tray was cut at the weekend and is on its way,in the meantime I started on the loom.
Dark grey Teleios sleeve from E22 with florescent yellow plugs should fit nicely.

Sadly I ran out of sleeve so its off more...



Im getting quite excited about the tray coming now,I will be able to properly assemble the whole tray and get those rads in. I hope I wasnt using my Chinese ruler that day......​

While im waiting for the doorbell to ring with the acrylic tray,I did a final mount up to see how everything fits and goes together,Im glad to say it went together like sticklebricks.

Here are some shots before the teardown begins.



The more eagle eyed will notice the bottom rad is missing its graphics,I had to switch it round as the GPU power and port clashed too much for a nifty recovery.



Thanks to Kier for donating the microcool PCI mounts!


Because the acrylic will be clear but frosted,the back of the res got a vinyl covering to make it pop more.


Thanks for keeping up with this log,its so close I can taste it!​
Speechless everytime you update this thread. Amazing attention to detail!



The tray arrived from PARVUM today!

Thanks again to Justin and Shaun,they turned this around quite quickly for me.



And with the infill in place.


Now to drill all the remaining holes and tap a few ports for the return feed and the pump outlet.
Once this is done,I will frost the rest and solvent weld the infill in place for a watertight seal.​
In the meantime and because im impatient....



This is why I put a background to the res.


Thats not the HDD im using,its a placeholder....I will put something fairly massive in as it will be a pig to change over....

New HDD has arrived and one side is done!!!!

Except for a de-sticker after the drive has been validated of course.



The fill port.


Im going to give up on trying to take photo's of the glass without reflections

Awesome! Will you be attending any lans with this build?

Most of my builds are displayed at Multiplay events,this is one will no doubt be on the InWin or ASUS stand at February I series.

You will see me around at most iseries,look for the drunken ass in the PARVUM hoodie creating mayhem....

that build is excellent! I like it a lot and good job with it!

And its not even finished yet,great stuff!
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