| LUMO |


So,as im in Bit techs MOTM,I thought LUMO needed a update.
Its looks like not much has happened,its because everything is behind the scenes,the wiring is all run behind the tray,no room for the GPU power like first thought,you will see a bundle of wiring coming out the back in one shot as they need to be trimmed back,they were cut extra long to go behind the tray but it didnt happen.

Plus I get to try out my polarizing filter!




You can barely see the brown board plug terminals now.



Next up is the Aquaero/pump/rad bracket that will tie it all together,these brackets were not designed to have this kind of weight on so there is a little sag on the bottom rad box. The bracket will tie it into the vertical rad,adding strength and eliminating the sag.

For the tubing,its looking like the usual mouse gynecology,its tight in that bottom corner!

Thanks for looking and leave a comment!​

The rad/pump/Aquaero support is done and I have begun tubing up.

Very very tight work indeed!

I still need to make up a 4 pin molex for the Aquaero,I forgot all about it,and finish the last 3 bits of tube.

So very nearly there.....



You dont even want to know how tight that tube was to get in there......


On the home stretch now.

Just waiting on a fitting...its always the one fitting you think you have but dont...then the tube is finished.

Hopefully it will be done by next weekend!

Then I will be making a start on the HEXGEAR case and get prepped for the EK Vulture case mod off in Feb,I need to get Gibbo's mail from you J for that,I want one of his blueprinted 970's in it.

Busy boy all round!
I know this log has been quiet for a few weeks but its not been wasted time.

The loop is in and everything is wired,just the rad and window graphics to do!

Have a couple of quick snaps to show whats been happening?



Final shots are being done this week!
when I go for a lovely day out in London, I always take my system with me.

awesome build

This one weighs in at around 20-25kg....a LAN box that you dont want to carry far!
The EK case that I will be starting soon should weigh in much lighter..

Awesome build m8

I am very surprised you didn't have the terror police doing a controlled explosion on all your hard work!!!!

Lol! Funny because its nearly true! London police are famed for being miserable.
Love those PSU cables. How does it work, you remove the original end connectors, sheath, and place new connectors on?

Or are you making the cables from scratch?
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