Mac Pro - Should I ?

To answer your question, no you can't, unless it was originally bought under the HE discount as it can be transferred to the new owner.

You can still buy AppleCare for it however.
ok if it was bought under HE discount it automatically gets 3 year warranty, does this show up on the website when you check serial number? ive put a 2nd hand mac pro serial number in and it says september 11 2009 is when warranty runs out, but the mac pro wa bought Ireland HE discount I think.
The warranty checker always shows 1 year, even if you have the HE warranty. But you are definitely covered for 3 years.
Ah ok thanks a lot :)

Was after a new macbook but its pretty pointless really with the spec bump, think I'll stick with getting a mac pro and either selling my macbook pro for an eee type laptop if I need to!

The mac pro's are likely to get refreshed in January aren't they? So buying a 2nd hand one now a good price would be around £1300-1400 for the base spec?
Looks like Im joining the mac pro club anyway!

Any tips for raid?
Ideally I want to get a 2x1TB drives to mirror on top of the 320GB but cant afford the 2x1TB right now.
So I'd buy 1 and then buy another a few weeks later and mirror it, or would I have to wipe all the data? :(
Not sure about mirroring as I've only ever done RAID0, however, you won't be able to use Windows via Bootcamp if you're RAIDing the primary disk. Something worth knowing before you get into it.
Ill hopefully use the 320GB for OSX and Vista and 2x1TB for all my storage. But for now it will be 2x500GB coming from my PC.

I found out that if you buy an Inno3D 8800GT 512mb, there is a bios out there which you can flash and it will work in osx/vista which is good because I didnt fancy paying Apple £150 when you can get 8800GTs for £70-80.
BTW Crucial told me their Mac Pro memory is out of stock. Anyone know of a cheap, alternate provider ? Crucial is £117 for 2*2G. OTW computing is cheaper, but if I add VAT and customs it's probably the same...
Ive only ever looked on Crucial, i think Kingston might make it though?

Get my mac pro on Tuesday! Can't wait ! :D

£100 is the cheapest ive found it thats going through USPS which whenever I have done i havent been stung for customs. Customs checks every courier item but not all USPS items as there are too many, might get lucky, might not :)
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Thanks, that what I assumed to. Anything over $50 (marked) gets stung so it's not worth trying!

On a side note, I didn't mention it before, but it is cheaper to get an ADC (Apple Dev Connection) Select Membership (300 quid) and a MacPro than just a macpro ! The saving is 20%, do thats already 360 quid saved on the machine for the basic config.



More images here : Pro/1.JPG
to Pro/19.JPG
Whooot !

Actualy, I was expecting it next week, but I just received a note that it was shipped ! So I'll get it friday, worst case !

Chrismas early :D
2x2.8ghz quads
320gb hdd
1tb hdd - from ocuk
2600xt - getting 8800GT/4870 in a few weeks. Probably 8800GT and flash it myself.
2x2GB ram
2x4GB ram

Flies through anything at the moment, just waiting for Adobe CS4 to show up!
Spent most of today backing things up from my PC, found an app so you can jsut stick in NTFS drives and copy data straight over, 65mb/sec quicker than over a wireless network! :D

Partitioned my 1TB drive into 800/130GB. 130GB going to be Time Machine for my OS drive!
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haha gwon oli you know you want to! :P
I cant decide whether to sell my MBP and get a netbook or not! Feel like Im wasting the mbp's power just sat here being used for an hour a day lol
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