Only played it quickly but first impressions are good, runs nice and smooth on max settings, downsampled at 3200x1800. Gameplay feels solid, the combat is slick and responsive and vehicles drive well, their physics feels good.
As for the little things Ive found:
* No Handbrake in vehicle?

* You can bail out of the vehicle at speed and rag doll which is nice

* If you drive off a cliff you dont blow up, it just fades out

* You cannot seem to roll vehicles, they always finish upright

* Photo mode is nice

(Lots of dead end thrills incoming)
* You cannot run and gun?

(But maybe Im not far enough in yet)
* Graphics are nice

* Lots of graphics settings to change

* Lots of particle effects, dust and debris etc

* Trying to force no HUD in the config file dosent work so far and no ingame option

* Intro movies unskippable?

* You cannot climb obstacles in the world, only places the game lets you like ladders etc

* The game files are packed as .ARC files