Mad Max Game

My question is, is the story very good?

Apart from this after playing Batman, Rage and Shadow of Mordor, maybe people feel like it's just more of the same and therefore it did not feel like something special.

I have personally not purchased it as from what I saw it felt like I would be playing the same game with a new skin. But if story is good I may give it a go. Not watched the movie myself, after watching that tonight I may feel diferently about giving it a go, as majority here seem to rate the game well :)

Then again people raved about Transistor and even though I like cyberpunk genre I found that game to be boring as hell.
I''m certainly enjoying this game a lot, I mean yeah it borrows a lot from other games Farcry, Shadow of mordor, recent batman games but I do not think that's a bad thing at all.

This might just be one of the very few games I actually want to try and get 100% finished.
5 hours in an still having fun. Had my first storm and it was amazing (even if it nearly killed me).

Turned on oversampling in AMD and still running smooth as anything.
My question is, is the story very good?

Apart from this after playing Batman, Rage and Shadow of Mordor, maybe people feel like it's just more of the same and therefore it did not feel like something special.

I have personally not purchased it as from what I saw it felt like I would be playing the same game with a new skin. But if story is good I may give it a go. Not watched the movie myself, after watching that tonight I may feel diferently about giving it a go, as majority here seem to rate the game well :)

Then again people raved about Transistor and even though I like cyberpunk genre I found that game to be boring as hell.

The fact it can be had for £12 sort of negates that though. I agree playing "yet another open world game with fighting in it" for the RRP of £35 would be a non starter, but at £12 its cheaper than some of the DLC packs for the other games!
I read one review that complained that the world was boring as it was all desert wasteland... ITS A GAME SET IN A DESERT WASTELAND FOR GODS SAKE! :p

That doesn't mean there can't be random encounters in the wasteland.

Sounds like a very stale solo experience where you're just driving from one mission hub to the next. Hope I'm wrong but on the surface it just looks like Borderlands SP.
I have to say the reviews this game is getting is shocking ! I have not stopped playing it since I got it - over 10 Hours in now and I don't think I have ever had so much fun , It game is gorgeous on max settings , The sandstorms are out of this world ! Never did I think something like that in a game would look so good, the combat is brilliant , ok its easy non stop left click mouse and right to block but still its a lot of fun and the fight moves blend it lovely , You have a main base in Jeet and you need to get loads of special loot to build the base up , you have to get scrap to upgrade your car , what more do people want ? I'm finding this game really additive and I love it.

I completely agree,I'm so glad I picked this up.
Plays really well I have everything on the highest and I'm getting really good fps with my 7950.
Looks nice and plays pretty damn smooth,sandstorms look excellent for £12 you cannot complain.
I expected it to be much worse but its pretty polished and surprised me.
I've played about 3-4 hours so far.
Yeah I'm 3 hours in and enjoying a lot. Runs great and personally looks great to me on very high settings.
I completely agree,I'm so glad I picked this up.
Plays really well I have everything on the highest and I'm getting really good fps with my 7950.
Looks nice and plays pretty damn smooth,sandstorms look excellent for £12 you cannot complain.
I expected it to be much worse but its pretty polished and surprised me.
I've played about 3-4 hours so far.

I think many had made their minds up it was going to be rubbish before it was released and are sticking by it.

Shame as it reminds me of a post apocalypse GTA.
I can honestly say I've not had this much fun in any game in a long time as much as I am wtih Mad Max

A few things I love about this game are.

1 :The Explosions are bloody awesome! well done WB top stuff.
2:The landscape is perfect for the Mad Max world.
3: Fighting is good fun and blends in really well.
4: You can customise your Car or collect loads of others to store and use.
5 You get loads of cool weapons for blowing things up as your advance in the game
6 Max's Shotgun is ace when he uses it when driving to blow up other cars.
7 Flames fly out your wheels to burn other cars with a perk.
8 You can see sandstorms approaching in the distance and wow they look so good and cool.

I pretty much play all the new titles and I'm currently in no rush to get on Metal Gear solid as I am loving this game so much.

The Bad ? I honestly have nothing bad to say about it apart from the AI can be a little predictable sometimes but apart from that If I was going to rate this game it would easily get 9-10 for me.

Why its priced at £12.99 is beyond me !! Its the steal of the year hands down.

This is an honest option from someone who plays pretty much all the newest pc games.

Its got some odd reviews from around the internet but if you look are reviews from the people that actually put the time and effort in to play the game you will see loads of positive reviews on this game.

Now if this game had multi player world I wouldn't leave my PC !
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Been watching gameplay videos since I got home and this looks great, and at that price, its a no brainer!

Purchased @ cdkeys and will be playing this evening

Grand total of: £12.34.

3.5mbps over Steam, damn lol Was hoping for the usual 12-15

EDIT: Nevermind, going at 14mbps now. Steam had me queued for a minute.
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Been watching gameplay videos since I got home and this looks great, and at that price, its a no brainer!

Purchased @ cdkeys and will be playing this evening

Grand total of: £12.34.

3.5mbps over Steam, damn lol Was hoping for the usual 12-15

EDIT: Nevermind, going at 14mbps now. Steam had me queued for a minute.

hi did you copy and paste your key as mine has DLC between the numbers did yours.
hi did you copy and paste your key as mine has DLC between the numbers did yours.

I copied and pasted it yeah:


bit in red is for the game to be redeemed. Yellow is for the DLC to be redeemed.

Don't copy the whole thing as there are two separate keys for game and dlc
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