Mad Max Game

Getting frequent madmax.exe has stopped working crashes here under windows 10 and watercooled 7990's. When it's running though its 100+ fps on max settings. Anyone else crashing at all?

Yes, I've had 2 now but a few more on other games.
Honestly regretting upgrading to W10 as I never had one single issue on W7. :mad:
I think the game looks pretty stunning on max at a downsampled res. The various graphical effects really capture the atmosphere from the movies, especially Fury Road.

If this is an indication of what's to come with Just Cause 3 then I'm sold. Considering Avalanche did a pretty epic job with the world graphics in JC2 way back when, it looks promising. As for Mad Max and the vehicular combat at its core, the gameplay is pretty solid and well polished. The harpoon is great fun and the slowmo time when using it is really cinematic at times.
Playedc for about 20mins, completed the first mission and play flawleslly with my ps4 pad on windows 10 :) Even changes the UI icons for the controls on screen to cross, circle, triangle and square.
I had freezing in Windows 10 as well but I didn't instantly blame the operating system. Mine turned out to be signing with Asus software causing the freeze. Other issues I have had were Windows supplied drivers, soon as I got the correct ones it worked perfectly. I.e. don't jump to conclusions.

Just got home.... Gonna have dinner and see if I can jump on for a few minutes.
First Impressions: It works!

Come on, we was all a little bit worried, Warner Bros..... Yet here I am with a game that runs, looks and plays great on release. The last time I was waiting on a game and had it live up to my hopes was when Alien Isolation released. When I booted Mad Max up for the first time I had some red boxes on the screen but I did a change to the settings and they disappeared so I started changing the settings back to what they where (trying to determine the cause) and they haven't re-appeared since. I just had a dot exe crash but it happened when I tried to alt tab out of the game so it's not something I'm bothered about, My actual in game experience has been spotless so far.

My hardware is a 4790k, 8gb's of 2133 ram and a Sapphire Fury Tri-X, All on stock clocks running on Win 10 pro. My 1080p monitor registers at 75hz so I have the card set to give a max of 95 fps and I'm running Mad Max with every setting as high as possible except motion Blur, Running it at 2560x1440 via VSR it sits at 94 fps and does not move.

This is how games should be on release and it is nice to see Warner Bros's name on one that is in such a good state of being on day one (It doesn't get you off the hook for Batman though so hurry up and fix it you git's).

As I'd hoped this is similar to Rage in some ways which is a plus in my books, I hope we do get a Rage 2 at some point but for now this fills the gap.

So far I'm giving this an 8/10. It will score better if the story is good and the game remains as polished as it has been so far all the way through to the end, I have high hopes.
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Only played 5-10 mins but amazed how good it looks and constant 60fps.. everything on highest setting except Motion Blur off.. doesn't even seem to be pushing my 970 SLI
Cheers. Right I've got the Harpoon level 3, says to attach to it a bumper and boost. All mine does it spin the car etc, it doesn't do anything "special" what gives?
An FAQ copied from steam they may be of use to some people :

Q: I’ve got The Ripper downloaded. How do I use it?
A: In order to use The Ripper, you must unlock the Garage through story progression. This means that you’ll have to get to the second objective in the “Into Madness” mission, which instructs you to “Drive to Jeet’s Stronghold.” This happens after Stank Gum’s Legion has destroyed Chumbucket’s Tabernackle very early in the game.
Put in spoiler as it does say what happens in the game.

Q: How do you use the handbrake?

A: The default mapping for the handbrake on PC is Left Shift. (This is also available for those using pad, select "alternative controls")

Q: How do I get in (and out) of first-person mode while driving?

A: In order to engage and disengage the first-person camera while driving, hit 'C' and 'X' at the same time, and then hit 'Q' to exit. (These are the default key maps on the PC.) Press down on d-pad twice will do this also.
I have to say the reviews this game is getting is shocking ! I have not stopped playing it since I got it - over 10 Hours in now and I don't think I have ever had so much fun , It game is gorgeous on max settings , The sandstorms are out of this world ! Never did I think something like that in a game would look so good, the combat is brilliant , ok its easy non stop left click mouse and right to block but still its a lot of fun and the fight moves blend it lovely , You have a main base in Jeet and you need to get loads of special loot to build the base up , you have to get scrap to upgrade your car , what more do people want ? I'm finding this game really additive and I love it.
I have to say the reviews this game is getting is shocking ! I have not stopped playing it since I got it - over 10 Hours in now and I don't think I have ever had so much fun , It game is gorgeous on max settings , The sandstorms are out of this world ! Never did I think something like that in a game would look so good, the combat is brilliant , ok its easy non stop left click mouse and right to block but still its a lot of fun and the fight moves blend it lovely , You have a main base in Jeet and you need to get loads of special loot to build the base up , you have to get scrap to upgrade your car , what more do people want ? I'm finding this game really additive and I love it.
+1 some people are too hypercritical what on earth else can this game possibly do to earn amazing reviews :rolleyes: At least its topping MGSV on Steam best sellers list a few times.
I get the feeling that people were just out to score this game low from the start, and refuse to budge from that position.

I read one review that complained that the world was boring as it was all desert wasteland... ITS A GAME SET IN A DESERT WASTELAND FOR GODS SAKE! :p
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