Mad Max Game

This could quite possibly be one of the most underrated games of the year! No doubt about that... You only have to look around the net now and see all the Positive reviews its getting from us the customers - everyone is saying its amazing so GOD knows what these gaming critics where playing!
Found a mint condition convoy truck (with the wood panels and red barrels) after a Storm. No idea where the driver etc went but I claimed my prize :D
Still enjoying myself :) I turned the fps limiter off to see how well the Fury (non-X) does with every setting manually maxed at 1440 through vsr on a 1080p monitor and it stays above 100 fps which is great to see,

This has been a big face saving experience for WB,

They needed it and lucky for them they finally got there name on a title that released healthy on PC.
Well over 100FPS even running at max DSR and all settings maxed.

I'm really enjoying it, it looks very good, the car combat is really good the explosions are epic, hand to hand combat is not bad. Cut scenes and voice overs are done well too.

I wish that fuel/food/water were more scarce or that there was some sort of survival mode where you just wander and have to survive etc.

Well impressed with this on the whole, a surprise hit for me.
I just went after a convoy and ended up fleeing for my life half way across the map :D had to muscle off 2 very tough cars that just wouldn't give up. I ended up doing a kamikaze move on one and had to bail out as he exploded, the other guy then kept trying to run me over. I managed to roll out of the way and take him out with my last shotgun shell :p
anyone got there Ripper body yet im at jeets place but not ripper body has unlocked ? i payed for the pre-order mad max + ripper body

It will tell you in the Steam menu if its installed :) Check that first , mine installed last night , You then go to garage menu and look at the car bodys , it will be the last one, select this and done :)
TBH, I don't know what those reviewers are on about. The game looks great, runs really smooth and the gameplay's very nice. Of course it's going to get a bit stale after a while, every game does. I bet if it was named Call of Duty the scores would've been a lot different;p
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