Mad Max Game

Thanks for the cdkeys link, currently downloading it (although gonna take awhile!). Should be a good game to test my 970 on.
How this run on xfire.

beautiful, look at that scaling

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I fixed my msi overlay for this and realised the scaling is perfect on sli as well.

All in all, considering its wb, I am extremely impressed.
Yep really happy with the game, grabbed it for £12 from cd keys.

Decant game play from the go and the story's chugging along nicely.

Also one of the finest PC ports in years sets the benchmark for other pc games imo.
Cleared Jeets territory :)

As for combat, it does get harder. I stupidly went into a 5 skull camp and got my ass handed to me, the guys with shields and spears are nasty.
The game runs brilliantly - rarely drops below 144fps on my 295X2. Looks great too.

indeed it does, plays incredible, scaling is so good. Only thing that lets it down for me at the moment, is every now and again I get a 1 second stutter and my frames drop by half. All a bit weird really.
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