Mad Max Game

I really don't see how this got average reviews. As far as a mad max game goes its awesome and really feels like your in a huge mad max type world. I bought this and metal gear solid 5 at the same time and as soon as I started this I haven't touched metal gear since. Runs great, looks great and its a ton of fun.

Indeed, i'm enjoying this a lot. Sometimes reviewers just like to pan a certain game for some reason.

User reviews are mostly good for this.
Just finished my first Barrel Bash thingy, jesus took me 5 attempts, I kept hitting the barrels and getting spun off.

Enjoying it so far.
7.5/10 metacritic isn't too bad, and the reviewers giving it a poor review are no-namers so you won't even see any negative reviews outside of compilation websites like Metacritic. That being said though does anyone even listen to reviews any more? Word of mouth from the consumers is the best way to judge games, as long as you can manage to avoid the fanboys.
Finally figured out the building of the Jack and it telling me I had to complete the wasteland classic. Didn't realize I had to actually select the upgrades highlighted (they will then have an X on them) then exit, and then the Jack mission to gutgash will start.

I'm constantly asked to go to garage and upgrade the JACK and going to Gutgash I get warned to upgrade JACK.

Wasn't too sure what to do so I thank you for this post! :D
Fully upgraded jeets stronghold and I'm not sure how much some of the upgrades are worth it. Turns out the 3000 scrap I put into the pile is purely cosmetic and the upgrade collect scrap while I'm not playing id a waste. Leave it overnight and it had got a whole 68 scrap for me...
Turns out the 3000 scrap I put into the pile is purely cosmetic and the upgrade collect scrap while I'm not playing id a waste. Leave it overnight and it had got a whole 68 scrap for me...

Yea I've put 1000 into the pile before being told, it doesn't do anything! grrrr

Another one is coming across travellers asking for water...they polished off 50% of my water bottle and I got sod all back for my kindness! They all ended up under my wheels for that! haha
I'm constantly asked to go to garage and upgrade the JACK and going to Gutgash I get warned to upgrade JACK.

Wasn't too sure what to do so I thank you for this post! :D

You're welcome.

For ages I thought I had already built it, or just needed that last part to build it. Done of the mechanics in the game don't seem straightforward. It didn't help that the car body I chose to start with is the same as the Jack lol.

Just smashed through The Jaw last night. Pretty cool. Still need to go back and complete gutgashs region though so I can get armour.
Yeah I don't get the water travellers. I give them water no new icons on the map. I use the balloon to discover all in the lower half, is that why?
Does vehicle handling improve with upgrades? I've only just started the game and am abit miffed by the wishy washy feeling when driving. I have a lot of racing games experience and well the steering is very vague and imprecise, the camera seems to be lagging behind when turning too. Handbrake does sod all either.

I really like the combat though and the graphics are stellar, runs 60fps pretty much maxed out on just a 7950 @ 1200p.
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