Mad Max Game

Thought I was doing well with the car upgrades and taking out war parties around Jeet Lighthouse until I end up in GutGash going up against armoured cars, got my butt handed to me! lol
Sometimes it is better to put yourself in a position where they are forced to get out of their cars.

What I ended up doing whilst the Opus is getting fixed! lol Good opportunity to jump in their motor and take it back to the stronghold. :D
I had one last night in gutgash's area where I managed to take out the convoy leave first, and got swarmed my 7 cars. I started taking a couple out but then another two randoms turned up. At that point I was down to very little health and had taken out 4 or 5 of them. So I parked on a rock and they all jumped out, including a load from two vehicles with warboys in the back. Had a massive scrap. Just as I was finishing, another two vehicles turned up, so I had to smash them, then add I was chasing the last one down another two came lol.

A whole load of scrap and violence.
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Completed the story today, got bored of looking for all the bits of scrap.

You don't really need a fully upgraded car to "complete" the story. Good game though, enjoyed it :)
Just found if you use a controller, double tapping the down arrow puts you in first person, as well as V.

I tried that view out before and for some reason it made me feel queasy. Never had that happen before.

Also, looked at some videos of xbox vs PlayStation vs pc and it all looks the same (almost). Would be nice to have some extra quality textures to be given to pc peeps.
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Level 4 hook is epic for pulling wheels off which makes it easier, least they can't chase you lol

Haven't got past level 4 yet on that.
What are the different heads you can unlock for Mad Max?

I presume the last unlock for the jacket is the jacket Max wore in Road Warrior?
BTW: From what I understand, by adding the scrap piles it reduces your project times more. So it will only be say 9 minutes for a fuel/ammo/water fill up rather than 15 etc. From that stand point it might be worth it, if you are shooting a lot of getting hurt a lot etc. (Every 2 project points it upgrades your strong hold apparently)

(Darn it.. didn't intentionally put this in a second post, I was trying to grab a quote from someone)
Loving the game so far but do have one slight issue in that it won't load up in full screen. Settings say its fullscreen but have to change it to borderless and the back to FS eveytime I start the game.


Apart from that it's great fun. :D

Edit: Scrap (Ha!) that, switching to borderless works fine.
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Have put in about 15 hours into this so far, and REALLY enjoying it! Started blindly following the missions until I broke through the Jaw, then decided if I went through I was going to miss out so much in the area I was leaving, so now going from place to place completing each to 100%. Added bonus that the upgrades keep stacking up, which is nice. :)

The game runs brilliantly in Eyefinity (usually 80-120FPS with my setup at 5760x1080 with max settings except AA - you'll see why). Couple of little issues in Eyefinity, so just in case people run into them:
  • Weird corruption/patterns appear on the left hand screen. Turn AA off in game and they'll disappear
  • Harpoon/shotgun don't fire where you aim during the behind car view. Flick to in-car view (double down on Xbox controller, V on keyboard) to aim & fire weapon, then press the same to return to following car view.

Fortunately neither of the above are really an issue - having to change to in-car to aim kind of makes sense as it feels like having to use the scope to aim in FPS games. I'm REALLY enjoying the game overall, but then Just Cause 2 is my go-to game whenever I'm between games or bored. As this is pretty much a less diverse/populated JC2 with better fighting, better acting and MAD MAX, I was always going to like it I guess. :)

Best £13 I've spent in ages!
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