Mad Max Game

Has anyone had any trouble with Dead Barren Pass at all? I've been driving around Jeet's territory and done lots of stuff and thought I'd best progress the main story a little bit more but no matter what I do I can't get the cutscenes to activate and for the part of the story to do anything. I've killed all the pups inside, climbed to the top of the lighthouse but nothing has happened... Any help is appreciated in getting this going!

Edit: So it appears that if you die during that mission (not sure of others) that you can't continue on if you don't try and do it straight away, had to quit out to start that part of the story.
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Quick shot of my Magnum Opus I took earlier. Apologies if its too big I couldnt remember what the size allowed was and didnt see it listed in the images section of the main rules
Does vehicle handling improve with upgrades? I've only just started the game and am abit miffed by the wishy washy feeling when driving. I have a lot of racing games experience and well the steering is very vague and imprecise, the camera seems to be lagging behind when turning too. Handbrake does sod all either.
*I* think it does, although so far mine has only gone up in small 5-10% increments.

But do remember you're driving a knackered, post-apocalypse, jury-rigged, piece of junk V6 American-style muscle car, through rough terrain and on loose sand footpaths, not racing a precision-maintained Bugatti Veyron around a perfectly laid tarmac racetrack... so in that respect, it's pretty accurate.

What are the different heads you can unlock for Mad Max?
You start with clean. Next one is scruffy with stubbly beard and messy hair, next one is masses of hair and big beard. That's as far as I've gotten, but I expect there's a shaven one too.
You can get a wild beard and crazy long hair, which is my fav. Later unlocks are just variations like with goggles, oil on your face, face paint etc. My car is looking pretty sick now. Looking forwards to getting a v8 in there soon.
What does amaze me about this game is that people (especially PC gamers) criticize the hell out of Ubisoft for their 'climb this tower to unlock areas of the map vision' thing yet this game does exactly that but possibly even worse and yet I haven't seen a single person mention it as a negative.
What does amaze me about this game is that people (especially PC gamers) criticize the hell out of Ubisoft for their 'climb this tower to unlock areas of the map vision' thing yet this game does exactly that but possibly even worse and yet I haven't seen a single person mention it as a negative.

Completely optional
Going up in the balloon (I think) unlocks the ability to fast travel to that location as well (not sure if you actually have to go up, I can't remember). Very useful when you want to get around the map quickly collecting project parts.

I keep going to go on missions, but then getting sidetracked by a convoy, or a couple of cars, or "may as well spend 10 to 15 minutes taking that camp since I'm passing" lol.
Loving the game so far but do have one slight issue in that it won't load up in full screen. Settings say its fullscreen but have to change it to borderless and the back to FS eveytime I start the game.

Apart from that it's great fun. :D

Edit: Scrap (Ha!) that, switching to borderless works fine.

Try pressing alt-enter (I think) to get it to go fullscreen.
Just bought it from cd keys (+ ripper dlc) but when i activate the steam key it just says "mad max preorder" doesnt mention the dlc. Is this how it appears to other folk who have bought from cd keys?

edit: ignore me. When you click on the game in steam it shows what dlc is installed and its there :D
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Anyone seen TotalBiscuits take on what he's played so far / the reaction from other critics?

Can't remember if there are swearies so I won't link but it was a good watch.
What does amaze me about this game is that people (especially PC gamers) criticize the hell out of Ubisoft for their 'climb this tower to unlock areas of the map vision' thing yet this game does exactly that but possibly even worse and yet I haven't seen a single person mention it as a negative.

I've picked up on this as well as the Assassins creed combat system when out of your car, it's a touch frustrating but doesn't really detract from an otherwise brilliant game... do hope devs stop using these systems so much in the future though.
Anyone seen TotalBiscuits take on what he's played so far / the reaction from other critics?

Can't remember if there are swearies so I won't link but it was a good watch.

TB has only really done a port report so far, said that he'd do a proper video once he feels he's properly experienced the game.
TB has only really done a port report so far, said that he'd do a proper video once he feels he's properly experienced the game.
He did another video on the low critic reviews for this game vs the praise from players. It was interesting... but a little long lol
Anyone else having problems I have only played 20 minutes bbut I am experianceing slow downs and game pauses when saving. In 20 minutes I have had 3 crashes:(
What does amaze me about this game is that people (especially PC gamers) criticize the hell out of Ubisoft for their 'climb this tower to unlock areas of the map vision' thing yet this game does exactly that but possibly even worse and yet I haven't seen a single person mention it as a negative.

Because it's a tenner.

A master move by the publishers.
Oh what a day! What a lovely day!

Listen to this while you read my tale.
Also listen to it on repeat while you play this game.

I had finally managed to do the insane: Flip a vehicle and it didn't auto-right itself!

After punching the roof and bonnet, I eventually righted it and defused a few mines. Thinking that that was a once in a lifetime moment I set off to my last minefield of the night. About 30 seconds later I proceeded to achieve the impossible: Stack it into another rock and get stuck upside down. Again. What made it better was an electrical storm decided to come and really rub salt into my wounds.

The lightening bolts were hammering poor old Chums Buggy. I was certain that the next hit would right the poor girl so I hunkered down a prayed...

My plan lasted all of 2 seconds when the lightening bolt shredded the car instead. I can only imagine what was left of poor old "Dog". I set out on foot and stumbled upon these life savers.

Lady Luck was not on my side again. As I neared the 3 cars they started to hurtle towards me. One just happened to be driven by a chap who was more than happy to ignite the fuse on his car which was laden with explosive red barrels. I barely managed to dodge his kamikaze attack...

I then got hit by a lightening bolt and died. Shoes came off and everything. Fin.
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