Mad Max Game

Has anyone got the location in the bios that is 8th down 2 across? I'm also sitting at 14 completed death runs with the Archangels but the achievement still hasn't popped so I think I may be one death run missing...

Edit- Found it :)
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Decided to go for it and try the gastown mission - epic fail lol

Definitely need more time to do side bits to upgrade max and the car.
Completed with only one achievement left...Up to the Task: Complete all non-repeating challenges.

Not sure I'll be bothering with that one!
on the back there is a cover over some explosive barrels. Pull it off then shoot the barrels
Better late than never I suppose :D


Unfortunately as fast as my internets legs will go :rolleyes:
Where is the cheapest place to get this (that is trust-worthy :p) then? Seen a few places offering it for around £12, anywhere much cheaper than that?
Where is the cheapest place to get this (that is trust-worthy :p) then? Seen a few places offering it for around £12, anywhere much cheaper than that?

I grabbed it from G2A for £14.22 and received key within 30 seconds, never had a problem with there services.
Where is the cheapest place to get this (that is trust-worthy :p) then? Seen a few places offering it for around £12, anywhere much cheaper than that?

it's £10 on cdkeys who I and many others use a lot, doubt it will be much cheaper than that.
Where is the cheapest place to get this (that is trust-worthy :p) then? Seen a few places offering it for around £12, anywhere much cheaper than that?

CDkeys is currently £10.99 and you can apply a discount code from their facebook page :)
Thanks, will go with CDkeys :)

However..... I tried adding it to my basket but I get this message:

You have no items in your shopping cart.
Click here to continue shopping.


Says it is in stock....


NVM, got it, just went incognito.
There doesn't seem to be anything completely amazing about this game, but it is just really fun. I spent at least 30 mins last night trying to find some high places I could jump the car from lol.

I recommend the game based on the fun factor.

(I wish they would introduce at least one more phrase for the 'duster' exclamation that chumbucket makes).
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