Mad Max Game

I had a facepalm moment whilst taking down my first convoy, got the main car and drove it back to the Jeet.. you don't get the trophy for doing that lol You have to destroy the car and pick it up.
I am having fun for the tenner I spent but I can tell I'll probably wane towards the end as many of my gripes with the Far Cry series are present. There's a danger of it feeling like ticking off a big list eventually.

The sound the engine makes is spot on.
I had a facepalm moment whilst taking down my first convoy, got the main car and drove it back to the Jeet.. you don't get the trophy for doing that lol You have to destroy the car and pick it up.

lol, i did try that myself, although I stopped myself from actually driving back... i just killed the driver and got in.. but it still wanted me to destroy it.
At this price I'm almost tempted to just buy you a copy lol.

You can buy me a copy if ya want ;)

...but for real, I am very tempted to pick this up. I solely want it for the car combat/upgrading and just driving around the post apocalyptic wasteland that is Australia.

I'm worried though that since it is a Warner Bro's published game that a lot of elements are gonna be copied over from their previous games (Shadow of Modor, Batman, etc.) But I really do like the Just Cause devs and have hope that they do enough stuff originally to keep me interested.
You can buy me a copy if ya want ;)

...but for real, I am very tempted to pick this up. I solely want it for the car combat/upgrading and just driving around the post apocalyptic wasteland that is Australia.

I'm worried though that since it is a Warner Bro's published game that a lot of elements are gonna be copied over from their previous games (Shadow of Modor, Batman, etc.) But I really do like the Just Cause devs and have hope that they do enough stuff originally to keep me interested.

Warner Brothers are a publisher for gods sake. They don't develop games.
Warner Brothers are a publisher for gods sake. They don't develop games.

Publishers have quite a big influence over a games direction actually..., after all they usually finance the majority of development. They're gonna pressure developers into doing certain things, they're a business after all. My point was that it feels that WB games as of late feel as if they have to reach a certain quota of "open world filler" (again, see Mad Max, Shadow of Mordor, Batman, etc. to see all their similarities).
It does have a lot of the UBI open world crap. Like the unlocks and ticking off the boxes type of rubbish but the difference for me is i actually find the world much more interesting than Assasins creed/far cry so I'm enjoying doing that stuff.With those games it feels like iv done that before so many times that its boring but this game doesn't feel like that as its much more interesting. Plus you can just skip it if you don't like it. I think its also the fact that you spend a lot of time in your car blasting around which just makes it so much more interesting compared to those games and i love the Mad Max world so I'm having a blast for a tenner.

Also i think they should do a Fury Road DLC with you racing along a huge stretch of land Protecting the truck or being next to the Truck in your car and protecting it from others with your harpoon and guns ect. I think that would be a great DLC.It would be cool if you could jump from your vehicle into others or fight on top of trucks ect while Chumbucket takes over your Opus. I could just imagine that with the Sandstorms and music blasting away :D

Please also add a Mel Gibson head from the original Mad Max DLC too as that would be so cool. As much as I'm cool with the how the guy looks in this game he just looks like the usual generic good looking guy iv seen a million times in video games.
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I'm trying to like it, I really am. I just get the feeling I've played it a dozen times before... And the first 10 minutes has been turgid. I hate it when games give you objective that are just pointless-the very first objective in the game is 'find water'. No, I'm not finding anything, I am following this big Green dot you have put on my screen:rolleyes:

2 things -
Surely you can change controller sensitivity and I am just missing it? because atm it feels so sluggish I can't believe it
RT to sprint? Lb to aim? LT to jump? I can't be the only one that finds this ridiculous?
I'm trying to like it, I really am. I just get the feeling I've played it a dozen times before... And the first 10 minutes has been turgid. I hate it when games give you objective that are just pointless-the very first objective in the game is 'find water'. No, I'm not finding anything, I am following this big Green dot you have put on my screen:rolleyes:

2 things -
Surely you can change controller sensitivity and I am just missing it? because atm it feels so sluggish I can't believe it
RT to sprint? Lb to aim? LT to jump? I can't be the only one that finds this ridiculous?

They will probably fix that when they do a patch release
Surely you can change controller sensitivity and I am just missing it? because atm it feels so sluggish I can't believe it
RT to sprint? Lb to aim? LT to jump? I can't be the only one that finds this ridiculous?

I didn't have a problem with the control system at all, it actually works well when transitioning from car to foot and back.

Get a refund if it's not to your liking.. I also don't find it sluggish. I've plenty of critisisms about it but neither of these two.
I also think the lack of motorbikes is a shame. I did only notice when one of the history relic collectibles was a picture of a motorbike with the inscription 'What the hell is this thing?'. I'm hoping there will be big rigs later in the game.
Ive just started but the upgrades seem to be locked to story progression - yeah? (car and max)

Rather impressed with the graphics and sound so far (very Mad Max 2 esque :D) though i did shed a tear for the Interceptor...:( tbh i really wanted that car.
Ive just started but the upgrades seem to be locked to story progression - yeah? (car and max)

Rather impressed with the graphics and sound so far (very Mad Max 2 esque :D) though i did shed a tear for the Interceptor...:( tbh i really wanted that car.

They are locked but they seem to unlock quite quickly.

Only 8 hours in here and unlocked a fair bit. Just trying to clear everything in the first zone.

Very good game, nothing especially unique but just made well and enjoyable. :)
Loving the game so far but do have one slight issue in that it won't load up in full screen. Settings say its fullscreen but have to change it to borderless and the back to FS eveytime I start the game.


Apart from that it's great fun. :D

Edit: Scrap (Ha!) that, switching to borderless works fine.

Give it a wee alt+enter if it does this and it will go full screen. I know you fixed it but as an FYI for anyone else having this issue.

Going to continue on today. Im now at the point where my green pointer is on gastown but im nowhere near ready to go there. Got a lot of side missions to do and unlocks to get.

Overall its excellent - I LOVE the storms :) Think they are fantastic fun.

The game is brain candy and a joy to play at the moment.
The events are meant to take place before Fury Road I believe. The game references a few of the characters from the film.
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