I got this game dirt cheap. Had a 10 minute go and not got back to it (same with the new Mirrors Edge & Tomb Raider) Reports favour Mad Max strongly so when I get around to it I hope it's lives up to the hype (what I saw looks lush 1440p UW)
I bought this when it was released, played about ten hours then stopped. Might get into it again but division and bf1 are taking up so much space.
Think its about time I invest in a bigger ssd lol
Hoping to get a good deal on Black Friday myself for a 1TB SSD.
Guaranteed the rainforest jungle will have one on sale at some point, they always do, I got my 850 evo 1TB for £185 last year
Yup I got fed up with having to uninstall games to make way for new ones, that plus I could only really fit about 4 games max on my 250gb ssdA couple of which couldn't be uninstalled at all I.e. bf 3 + 4
Picked this up for four quid, and after five hours of playing, I'm really enjoying it. There's the main story but it also feels pretty open with the stuff around the map.
I still see zero point installing games onto the SSD drive. Keep that puppy clean, it's your OS drive and you'll need 40% of it free to optimize speed.
The single and only advantage is load time! Hahah, so you can either have two games installed on your SSD drive to load literally seconds faster or just pick up a 2TB HDD for game installs and never worry about install space again.
Now playing this after getting it for low price but I seem to be stuck in the garage after getting the harpoon, seems a lot of players had this problem and nobody came up with a solution.
I get to look at the garage selection of upgrades but then can't escape from the menu no matter what key I press and end up alt tabbing to desktop. Has anyone else had this or am I not doing something correctly?
I didn't have that problem but I do remember it being a little bit confusing - if I recall correctly it looks like the game has automatically selected the harpoon for you but you actually have to go and select it again and buy it. It's the same later on for upgrades that are part of the story line...
Thanks,I sorted it now, it's caused by thinking you have installed the harpoon when in fact you haven't as it requires two or three clicks to actually install it![]()