Mad Max Game

39 hours in now, just clearing up pink eye's (other 2 at 0 threat) before starting missions at Deep Friah. Not an outstanding game but something about it has kept bringing me back. Been a long time since I played a single player this long.
I've just got around to playing it and only played an hour so far and... mmm.. errr... dunno.
I'm hoping it gets a lot better or it's going to get resigned to the 'oh well had promise' pile.

It feels like a combination of Rage and Batman but not as good as either so far.
The fist fighting combat and car shunting feels so laboured, slow and a bit clunky after Batman:AK which was the last thing I played through.

I realise it's only an hour in and a couple more needed before a judgement call is made - but please tell me the start is reaaaally bad compared to the rest of the game?

You definitely warm up to it. The combat never gets as good as batman but its satisfying. The car gets proper souped up but never really responds any better. i hated it in the beginning but you get used to it.

youll probably have the occasional bash at it, which will increase over time until youve got a proper addiction :)
I bought this cheap before release but only got a chance to start playing it today.

I've only played a couple of hours so far but am really enjoying it and would highly recommend it if anyone is looking for a new game to play.
Taking in to account what is needed to run this game:

And that my system is able to run Fallout 4 well:

Would you say that my system is able to run Mad Max as well on average to good settings???

E7400 OC to 3.511
4gig ram
gtx 670 2gb


Its not a very demanding game and a lot of people earlier on in the thread reported getting excellent results surprisingly on lesser than high spec. You might get a good experience depends on resulution.
Any tips on car combat.
Finally got the V8 but I'm still getting my butt kicked even with the 2nd best armour, harpoon is usless at lvl 4, since everything so heavily armoured, at the moment I'm heavily relying on the thunderpoons.
Necro thread revival!

I didn't play this first time around and quite fancy trying it out. Steam still want £24.99 for it but CD Keys are doing it for £4.99. I've never bought a game online from CD Keys, how does it work?

Necro thread revival!

I didn't play this first time around and quite fancy trying it out. Steam still want £24.99 for it but CD Keys are doing it for £4.99. I've never bought a game online from CD Keys, how does it work?


They just give you access to an image of a Steam code from a retail copy, its usually pretty quick.

Well worth it for a fiver anyway.
Aye, if you've played Assassins creed or shadows of mordor or Far Cry it will feel very familiar, only with cars and lots of explosions and stuff.... top little game, especially for a fiver!

Just spend your time completing everything that comes up, some epic upgrades for your car...
Is this a very good game to have? And how demanding is it? Looks okay from YouTube video and it's very tempting to buy as its £4.99 on cdkeys and nearly got it same time I got RB6S as 2 new games for £20 ha.
Is this a very good game to have? And how demanding is it? Looks okay from YouTube video and it's very tempting to buy as its £4.99 on cdkeys and nearly got it same time I got RB6S as 2 new games for £20 ha.

I get a constant 60 fps on all settings high and ON on a 7950. Game is very well optimised
Daft question - in the first 5 mins of the game, it kinda walks you through stuff like drinking water, eating to restore health etc. Thereafter, how do you actually eat and drink? After a battle with bad guys and your health is low, is there not a way to use food or do you need to be in a certain place to have health restored?
Daft question - in the first 5 mins of the game, it kinda walks you through stuff like drinking water, eating to restore health etc. Thereafter, how do you actually eat and drink? After a battle with bad guys and your health is low, is there not a way to use food or do you need to be in a certain place to have health restored?

To drink you just hold (4?) I think is the correct button. Eating only happens when you find food in the environment.
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