Mad Max Game

I'd agree with that, although I think it still manages to look really good, the visuals are very atmospheric I reckon. That said, it's not like it's having to process GTA V type visuals because of the setting - I guess those big empty, open wastelands lend themselves well to not having your PC break sweat much. :D
Guess I'll buy it then if I got spare fiver, I'm sure my system could hold up okay if I can play RB6S well enough.

Another question, is this game good with keyboard & mouse or has it been setup mainly for controller use? Never played GTA 5 on pc and gta3 the controls are just weird with keyboard.
Guess I'll buy it then if I got spare fiver, I'm sure my system could hold up okay if I can play RB6S well enough.

Another question, is this game good with keyboard & mouse or has it been setup mainly for controller use? Never played GTA 5 on pc and gta3 the controls are just weird with keyboard.

Not tried it with k/m, but it plays very well with a gamepad.

Really enjoying it so far.
This is less than £7 on steam at the moment. Just took a punt on it.

Was £24.99 the other day when I looked on Steam. But I picked it up on CD Keys for £4.99. Chucked the serial number into Steam and jobs a good 'un. :D

Having lots of fun with this so far but I'm finding the vehicle upgrade menus a bit tricky to understand, especially when it comes to the Archangels?
After the last reply to my comment I ended up buying it 2 days ago, whether my computer can play it or not it's still a fiver for a £20-30 game lol.

I'm home for the weekend so at least I get to download it and maybe get a play.
Bought it new and have played it through twice now. Best played with controller for driving and KB & M for walking around IMO.

2nd time I played on my i5 + old GTX 670 2GB setup and it still handled the game fine even at 2560 x 1080 res. Only advice I'd give is don't fixate on all the little side quests and do enough to upgrade you motor and maybe fully develop one of the bases.

That way the tasks won't get too repetitive before you finish and you can then still carry on after and root out all the collectibles etc.
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Didn't think about it being on Steam, suppose gives me reason to use it again. Did the code last night and the started the download at lunch time, so should be installed for when I get back.

I'm hoping my speedlink controller works as while I grabbed a 360 version for pc for free it's missing the adapter for the computer I've noticed and can't afford an Xb1 controller just yet.
The intro is cool, but I've only played up to the mechanic, so barely anything, looks good, probably could get in to it.

Settings are interesting, usually a game I've played of late has already selected best settings for my hardware but this time it was set on high, but while playable it was under 20fps so clicked the auto detect and this is what it chosen

I get between 20-30fps, pretty much the same as RB6S but with a few higher settings and bey playable, obviously not got to any fight scenes or anything, but this GTS 450 is actually pretty good for what it is, almost seems pointless trying to sell it lol.
Had a brief go last night, start is a bit cutscene heavy between small gameplay sections but looking forward to it opening up a bit more!

Car controls feel a tad off but not terrible, visuals are lovely!

Anyway of increasing the fov ?
Anyway of increasing the fov ?

Yup, buy a 21.9 monitor :p

I don't think you can adjust the FOV at all.

Bought this near launch for about £20 iirc, not a bad game for the price especially for £5-10! Very repetitive though and the hand to hand combat system is pretty boring/poor but the story is ok and the game really excels just for the game world/atmosphere + car action, pretty much just like the film mad max fury road :p

Not bad graphics either with very good performance:





My modest little 5650 Xeon @4.0Ghz, 16Gb Corsair Vengeance and GTX760 is running this perfectly at max settings @1920x1080. Seems very well optimised. :)
There may not be a lot going on with the visuals in a technical sense, but it's still beautiful. Played it through my TV with a pad. Wished I'd waited til I had a 4k tv, but that's a reason to play it again.

Very grindy in the middle but if you accept it for what it is you'll love it.
I'm really enjoying this. Played it a lot over the weekend and am about 25% complete according to the menu stats.

Game is incredibly optimised. I've maxed out all the graphics settings and am getting locked 100fps at 3440x1440.

Not sure if I will still be enjoying the grind at the end though, I've mainly concentrated on Jutt's territory thus far and looking at the map there's loads of other areas of the game, but I imagine it's all fairly similar stuff?

I really like the setting, Warner have done pretty well with their franchises so far (Batman: Arkham xxxxx, Shadows of Mordor and this).

Quite funny you get an achievement for eating a rotting corpse!

The 21:9 mode is slightly odd as the UI is clearly 16:9 and this is never more apparent than when you are up in a hot air balloon and if you don't use the binoculars you can see the description of the far off places disappear at the edge of where a 16:9 screen would be but all the other graphics still extend past that point.
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