I heard early on in this case that this area of Portugal was a favourite place of people of that inclination.
You're probably right that most rings are about adult prostitution. Though over the years there have been a number of rings, or groups, that have been involved in the manufacture of child abuse material, mainly in eastern European countries.
Sadly a child is worth more than an adult woman to these sick people.
Society needs to figure out a tolerable way to smoke out those higher up the hierarchy.
Society would first need to figure out whether or not such a hierarchy exists. You've not provided any evidence of it happening ever, anywhere. After your claims about Belgium were debunked, you moved them to unspecified eastern European countries. Much harder to check than your claim about Belgium.
There's no evidence of rings of organised child abuse covered up by people in power. The closest known situation to is in places like Bradford, where semi-organised abuse was overlooked for some time because nobody dared to risk being denounced as a racist.
It's a form of conspiracy theory - anything bad is more understandable and thus less disturbing if it's all being run by a secret conspiracy amongst extremely powerful people.
Could it happen? Sure. Has it ever happened? Maybe. Is it commonplace? No.