Currently on my way home from work, will be emailing everything out when I get in. Will be within the hour!
On a different forum I managed to wind up as Scum seven times in fourteen games - and one of the other seven I was a Serial Killer. I'm due some good karma.
The game is temporarily on hold as JeditOjanen hasn't enabled his trust so I cannot send him his email.
If you're reading this, please enable your trust!
ahh ****
Edit: add me into the 4th game, if there is one, maybe i might last one round next time
I'm quite enjoying just watching the drama unfold. It's fun from the outside, so take solace in that/joins the ghost of leprechaun sitting on a cloud watching the world go by.
I guess it's a form a flattery when the mafia bump you off first
Yeah I'm quite disappointed to be out of this one already, it's looking quite intriguing with people having something to go on quite early on.
Mafia edit: I meant to say "iviv is not Scum".iviv is Scum
Well that was entertaining- look forward to seeing how it unfolds