Mafia - Forum game

The game is temporarily on hold as JeditOjanen hasn't enabled his trust so I cannot send him his email.
If you're reading this, please enable your trust!

I don't see an option to do that anywhere.

E: never mind, it wasn't in User CP as I might have expected. Should be on now.
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Right, all the emails have been sent out. No chatting now, we are in game mode now. Mafia, that includes you. I will see if I get the chance to get a game thread up while I'm here at work, but otherwise it will be up when I get home. Either way, we will be starting during day, which will last until 10pm on Monday.
ahh ****

Edit: add me into the 4th game, if there is one, maybe i might last one round next time

/joins the ghost of leprechaun sitting on a cloud watching the world go by.

I guess it's a form a flattery when the mafia bump you off first :p
I'm quite enjoying just watching the drama unfold. It's fun from the outside, so take solace in that :D

I spend all day at work trying to decipher people and their words/actions, but hardly ever by email, so I'm finding this a valuable insight into people and motives. Some lessons have not been learned from the last two games though - people are making some of the same mistakes. Fascinating though!
Yeah I'm quite disappointed to be out of this one already, it's looking quite intriguing with people having something to go on quite early on. I'll certainly be playing along trying to work out who the mafia are even though I can't say anything. It's good practice if nothing else.
Yeah I'm quite disappointed to be out of this one already, it's looking quite intriguing with people having something to go on quite early on.

You really can't play Mafia properly without something early to go on. No discussion means a guaranteed Scum win because they're playing with coordination while Town play at random. By the end of the game I think you'll all understand why I prefer majority lynch to plurality.

I think I will put up a game with majority lynch, slightly heavier role balance and closed setup, if iviv doesn't mind. I'll work on it while this game plays out.
Not to comment on the game in progress, but someone just admitted to editing a post. I don't know if iviv has mentioned it, but it's against the rules to do this - it can change the tone of responses to you when people read back. If you see you've made a mistake, quote yourself in a follow-up and correct it in the body text. Example:

iviv is Scum
Mafia edit: I meant to say "iviv is not Scum".

Never edit a post in a Mafia game.
That's more of a reflection of our collective inexperience. Mafia have won every game so far which I would say is to be expected amongst inexperienced players. As we play more and get better at the game the town will start to get their act together.
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