Go for it, and I'd like to give it a play as well if there's a spot!
I have a 13-player setup ready if iviv wants to take a break. Fairly role heavy, weighted slightly towards Town, and with a Doctor Who theme.
with a Doctor Who theme.
I think people totally over-reacted to your vote on the first night. Without your vote, no-one would have been lynched and the mafia would have been one-up with no chance of a mafia lynching. Now if your vote had been a nothing vote, like Brabbinho in Game Two, then it should have kicked off...And try not to screw it up this time.
I'm in... but I'm being extra wary of Pudney
So.... There are 135 possible roles from that wiki page Jedi linked to... interesting!
So.... There are 135 possible roles from that wiki page Jedi linked to... interesting!
A lot of those roles are variations. The Gunsmith is a Cop who detects people who own guns (so he detects Vigilantes and Paranoid Gun Owners as well as Scum), the FBI Agent is a Cop who can only detect Serial Killers. Likewise there are multiple kinds of Doctor, and other roles that combine two basic roles together (Jailer is basically a Doctor who Role Blocks his target, for example).
I'm not going to tell you all the roles in the game, but I will narrow it down a bit.
- As stated in the OP, there are no alignment-changing roles.
- All roles are "full fat" with no variants; no Faith Healers or Poisoners. Some roles do have limits on the number of times they can be used, but these are normal.
- All roles give a single Night Action or a single static ability.
- There are roles whose existence need to be kept secret to preserve their usefulness.
- These specific roles and their variants are not in the game: Serial Killer, Lyncher, Cultist, Mason, Paranoid Gun Owner, Bomb, Suicidal, Loved/Hated.
That should narrow it down to about 30-50.
If you could list those 30-50 that would be great. As it stands I would still have to read through all the ~135 roles just to eliminate which are/aren't possible. While it seems simple for you from that list on the wiki and what you have posted, everyone else is looking at that list for the first time without knowing anything about it.