Mafia - Forum game

Well then, by popular opinion this game is a mafia win.

Again, I apologise for the flawed ending to the game, it won't happen again. Promise!

Congratulation to the victors, Brabbinho and K1LLSW1TCH who did a great job on that last day, taking down Pookie Bear the cop.
On the first night, I believe one of the Mafia members replied to the trust message I mailed out in their attempt to send me the kill, however that goes to the [email protected] email so I didn't receive it, hence the lack of night kill.

Still, onwards and upwards for the next game. Who wants more? Signups are open, I'll decide on the number playing depending on who signs up. The more the merrier though! :D
Well played guys, was frustrating not being able to kill you off when it's so obvious who the mafia are!

I'm up for the next game but I'm not back until the 11th. If there's demand to start earlier then I don't mind sitting it out if need be although I've found free wifi which should allow limited participation.
The current player list is:

Gooner Leroy

Which is yet again 10 people! So unless there is more interest, we may have to drop down to 9 again (And this time it would be shamikebab sitting out I'm afraid). Game wouldn't be startung until the 11th as Kaiowas is away until that date, so we'll see how the interest lies when we get there.
I'd love to join if you can accept a total noob.

My mouth will almost certainly get me killed by day 2, but laughing at me should provide entertainment :D

That's my job :mad:

I've got this game sussed now. I'm going to be a cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning
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