Mafia - Forum game

Just a reminder, 23 hours until the first lynching and we move on to the night phase. There are 4 people still to vote.

On a side note, if inactivity does become a problem and there are people not voteing at all, I'll bring in the fabulous replacements I have here, though I hope it won't come to that.
And yes, the game does start off with a lynching. Yes, there is zero information to base this on. Yes, it does indeed suck to be the first one killed. Hope you're all popular!

So the Mafia guys don't even know who the other Mafia guys are at the start? That doesn't sound like particularly organised crime!

Would there be any harm in them having this information at the start? It would at least give the initial lynching some direction rather than it being completely random (The Mafia guys would be trying to avoid getting each other lynched whilst trying not to be too obvious about it and the others would be looking for signs of this)
So the Mafia guys don't even know who the other Mafia guys are at the start? That doesn't sound like particularly organised crime!

Would there be any harm in them having this information at the start? It would at least give the initial lynching some direction rather than it being completely random (The Mafia guys would be trying to avoid getting each other lynched whilst trying not to be too obvious about it and the others would be looking for signs of this)

Apologies for not being clear, the mafia guys do know who each other are.
Unfortunately that's just the way Mafia goes, people die.

Better luck next time though! It looks like we should have interest for a larger 13 player game if you want to try that out. Unless everyone here has a sick sense of humour and lynches you right away again :p
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iviv, you aren't posting flips in the Mafia game. This is not recommended practice - knowing whether a lynch victim was Town or Scum is essential information for the Town, because you can see who was pushing for the lynch.
With Brabbinho replacing neil3k, I assume mafia/cop roles could still be possible for him?

Correct. He inherited whichever role that Neil had. Any night actions would have been available.
For future reference, if a player that can gather night intel like a cop leaves, the inheriting player will be given the info that the original player had discovered.

iviv, you aren't posting flips in the Mafia game. This is not recommended practice - knowing whether a lynch victim was Town or Scum is essential information for the Town, because you can see who was pushing for the lynch.

I've honestly never played with revealing roles/factions on death. Is that a common rule /variant?
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