Mafia - Forum game

Yes and no on the jailer. It is a combination doctor and role blocker, which solves the game breaking situation of a cop claiming his role day 1 and having the doctor protect him every night as he searches out the scum.
Right, I feel like a change is in order. Something to mix things up a little, and I don't just mean different roles. I'm talking One Night Ultimate Werewolf.

The game is simple, it's similar to Mafia in that you start off with a role, but there is only one night, and actions all happen once at night. During the day you have to vote and kill one player, with the game being won or lost for the various players depending on the alignment of the killed player.

The dynamic is completely different to regular mafia/werewolf because of this. No night kill, no player elimination, most roles have actions which affect the other players or the dynamic at the table, and then you have to rely on group deduction to figure out who the werewolves are. And as a bonus, it runs with 3-10 players! Still interested? I'll explain the rules in greater detail. I will refer to cards and the table because obviously it was designed as a physical game.

Each player is given a role card, and there are three further role cards placed on the table face down, and everyone looks at their role, and then will never look at the card/role again. All players then close their eyes and the roles all carry out their night action. The roles being used in the game depends on how hard I want to make it and how many people are playing. But the roles carry out actions in the following order:

Werewolves - There are two werewolf roles and they are always used in every game. Look at each other. If there is only one werewolf (Due to the other one being one of the cards on the table), the werewolf is permitted to look at one of the cards in the middle. If he picks the other werewolf card, he may pick another card to look at. The werewolves win if a villager is killed at the end. If a werewolf is killed at the end, they lose.

Minion - Looks to see who the werewolves are. The minion is on the werewolf team, and the werewolf team still wins (along with the minion) if the minion is killed.

Masons - There are 2 mason cards. The masons will then look and see who the other mason is. If they don't see anyone, the other mason card is on the table, they do not get to look at any table cards.

Seer - The seer may either look at the card belonging to one player of their choice, or two of the cards from the middle of the table. They then put the cards back where they found them.

Robber - The Robber may swap his role with another player. They swap cards, and he looks at his new card to see what his new role is. The person robbed does not know they are robbed. This could lead to the robber becoming a werewolf.
Note: If the robber steals the card of someone who would act later in the night, he does not carry out any further night actions. The person who started the night with the role continues on, since obviously they have no way of knowing that they were robbed, so wouldn't know not to carry out their action.

Troublemaker - The troublemaker swaps the cards belonging to two other players. Nobody looks at any of these cards.

Drunk - The drunk swaps his role with one from the table, without looking at his new role.

Insomniac - The Insomniac then looks at their role again to see if has changed or not.

Furthermore, there are 3 roles which have no night action:

Villager - Yup, the villager is back, no abilities at all.

Tanner - Hates his life so much he wants to die. The only way for the Tanner to win is if he is killed. (This is a hard card to play with, so I highly doubt we'll use this card!)

Hunter - If the hunter is killed, the person he voted for is also killed. If he does kill a werewolf then the village team still wins (including the hunter).

All of the roles are on the village team except for the werewolves, minion and tanner.

Once night ends and everyone has done that, it's a free for all. You are allowed to state what action you did during the night phase, you may lie, you can claim to be any role. The night will be 24 hours (All players can PM me whenever, since this is electronic it doesn't rely on being done in order), and then the day is 24 hours. Voting will be done by PMing me at any time during the 24 hour day period. At the end of the 24 hours, whoever has the most votes is killed and we see who won.

Compared with the mafia games we've been playing, this is a very compressed version, squeezing a game that takes weeks into 48 hours (In person, it takes ~15 minutes to play a round. 10 for setup and the night, 5 minutes strictly timed for the discussion).

Any interest?
If you're interested, what 24 hour period would you like the game to take place in? As in, the game will start at, say, 10pm on one day and end at 10pm the next day. What day of the week would you like these days to be, because obviously you will need to be fairly active during that day in order to get it playing.
The way the game works in person is that as soon as day starts, a 5 minute countdown begins. At the end of the 5 minutes, everyone points at the person they want to kill at the same time. This does lean things towards the werewolves, but this is required. The point of the game is that you have lots of information over a short time and you have to figure out what is truth and lie.

The roles being used in the game are always known before the night starts.

During night, everyone carries out their action as per the character they were given at the start of the game, even if someone swaps out their character before their turn. Hence the existence of the insomniac, their power is to look at their card at the end of the night and see if it changed or not.
The way the game works in person is that as soon as day starts, a 5 minute countdown begins. At the end of the 5 minutes, everyone points at the person they want to kill at the same time. This does lean things towards the werewolves, but this is required. The point of the game is that you have lots of information over a short time and you have to figure out what is truth and lie.

The roles being used in the game are always known before the night starts.

During night, everyone carries out their action as per the character they were given at the start of the game, even if someone swaps out their character before their turn. Hence the existence of the insomniac, their power is to look at their card at the end of the night and see if it changed or not.
Yeah, it's a different dynamic to what we've been playing because there is little reason for the human team to lie, except for if they want to draw out information (Often claiming to be a troublemaker and saying they switched certain cards when they were actually a different role, for example). It's hard for the werewolves because they need to react and find a role to claim and build themselves up an alibi, though this is much harder when you suddenly have to do it on the spot.
Well, that's 7 people so far, and that would make a pretty good game. For 7 people I would propose:

2 Werewolf
3 Villager
1 Seer
1 Robber
1 Troublemaker
1 Insomniac
1 Minion

Would starting monday at 10pm, night until tuesday at 10pm and then day ending wednesday at 10pm work for people?
Righto. Be prepared for lots of reading and posting on the Wednesday then! Obviously we won't have those tokens to claim with, but being text based it's going to be pretty simple to just list out the player names along with the role you believe then to be. There will be lots of information and lots of lies flying about, you won't always want to claim your role right away to try and gain more information, but obviously this is an information based game and that means it does need people posting to allow that information to get out.

Depending how this game goes, I'm actually considering condensing the next game into an evening rather than 24 hours since there are some people who can post at work while others would have to wait until the evening.
Right, our player list is:


I'll Trust out the roles at 10pm on monday evening, you'll all have 24 hours to get back to me with your actions, and then you'll have from 10pm Tuesday until 10pm Wednesday to make your votes.
Right, roles will be going out in a few hours. I just want to clarify for everyone. When I ask for people to carry out night actions, I will be sending you a list of the player names so if you have someone to target you can specifically select a certain player. Equally, the three cards 'on the table' will also be numbered from 1-3. This is because people may look at certain cards on the table, so knowing which roles have been looked at may be of great use (Albeit not as much in this particular game as there is no drunk).

Regardless, if you are interacting with cards on the table I will be asking you to name specific people, or to name (1-3) which cards on the table you are interacting with.

I'll also be explaining this in my email, but I just want to give you all the heads up now.
Thread is up, all roles have been messaged out. If you have any questions feel free to either ask here or Trust me if they may be incriminating! If anyone hasn't received their Role message, please tell me! Otherwise, please do not post in the thread until I post in there tomorrow confirming the beginning of the 24 hours for the day period. Good luck all!
To confirm, the night actions will happen in the following order:

Of course, you can all tell me what you will be doing regardless and I will deal with the ordering, as what the previous players do will not have any effect on your choice.
Right, it's been a while and I still have the werewolf bug. I know that jedit mentioned possibly including roles from the second game but honestly I'd rather keep it to the base game for the moment. Because while we were hampered by an inactive player, it was also everyone's first game and there was a bit of wondering what to actually do that will require more experience to figure out.

Plus there's a few roles from daybreak that simply won't work on a forum.

So, who wants to give this a second try?
Glad to see there is interest, out of interest, would you rather a day long day like last time, or I'm thinking about issuing out the roles one evening, the having the day start at 7pm the next day, with the Kim happening at 10pm.of course, we would need to arrange a time that everyone would have computer access for those 3 hours.

The 3 hour game is my preference, but I'm not the one that would be playing.
Right, are there any nights of the week that anyone can't do? I'm good for any night, perhaps as a preliminary say we will end the game at 10pm on Thursday 13th? So roles would be emailed out on Tuesday and give everyone 24 hours to carry out their actions, and day would start Wednesday evening, probably around 7pm or so.
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2 secs, I'll update my previous post and push everything back 24 hours to end Thursday then, so it gives you time to email your night action and take part in the discussion during the day.
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