Mafia - Forum game

Well, this game is again going to highlight a flaw with my rules. Also, the person who taught me to play is going to be lynched too. Because now, assuming the mafia make a kill tonight, that will leave 2v2, and the thread will simply come down to a case of 'whoever posts first wins' which is ridiculous.
Having read the rules properly, next game will be played with the proper 'tie = no lynch' rule, which should prevent this happening.
Well, this game is again going to highlight a flaw with my rules. Also, the person who taught me to play is going to be lynched too. Because now, assuming the mafia make a kill tonight, that will leave 2v2, and the thread will simply come down to a case of 'whoever posts first wins' which is ridiculous.
Having read the rules properly, next game will be played with the proper 'tie = no lynch' rule, which should prevent this happening.

Wouldn't the result just be the same even if Pookie had the majority vote. It would still be 2v2 and therefore fastest vote wins?
Wouldn't the result just be the same even if Pookie had the majority vote. It would still be 2v2 and therefore fastest vote wins?

Under the revised rules should the 2v2 vote end in a tie it would then mean no lynch, followed by a night kill and a definite mafia win (meaning the game would end now rather than continuing to an inevitable conclusion) whereas under the current rules the town can still win by getting their 2 votes in before the mafia do.
Under the revised rules should the 2v2 vote end in a tie it would then mean no lynch, followed by a night kill and a definite mafia win (meaning the game would end now rather than continuing to an inevitable conclusion) whereas under the current rules the town can still win by getting their 2 votes in before the mafia do.

OK, fair point. Then maybe it should stay as it is, at least there is more than 1 outcome. Fastest finger first.... ;)
Before I resume the game, I'm torn between what to do. It's going to be a 2v2 game after the night kill, which under the correct version of the game would be a mafia win since ties are supposed to mean no lynch, rather than the way I'd been taught with there always being a lynching. As mentioned above, the game coming down to simply who is online at 10pm is a bit of a terrible way to end it.
Additionally, the first night's nokill was apparently the cause of technical issues. I'm not going to name the mafia yet in case people do want to continue, but had the kill happened properly, and assuming that the game played out as it has to this point, the mafia would have a 2v1 advantage and thus the instant win. Therefore I'm tempted to call this game a mafia win.

That said, it's not exactly an easy discussion to have since the mafia will naturally vote for a mafia win, while the townies will vote for a town win since there's still a chance for them.

My mind's flipped a couple of times on the subject while writing the post out, but I think unless I get an email with a good reason for the game to continue, I will award the game to the mafia.

I also promise not to screw up any more games with wrong interpretations of the rules :(
Personally I am in favour of simply declaring a mafia win, unless all other players are happy with a fastest finger first situation which to be honest doesn't really justify the tactical nature of the rest of the game. :(

Either that or we can call this one a tie instead? That might be a bit fairer.
More importantly, some people are actually learning how to case. Game 1 looked like a three-day joke phase, it was painful to watch.

I really ought to wheel out a 13-player with hidden setup, multiple roles, full reveals and majority lynch. You lot need to learn about claiming, bandwagons and scum slips. :D

Wow. So much positivity whenever you post in here.
Wow. So much positivity whenever you post in here.

Nah, I'm not meaning to do down the players - they're doing their best, they just don't have the experience yet. If there are no experienced players then everyone flounders, it's much better once there are a number of people who know what they're doing and can judge newbies for themselves. Kaiowas, Pookie and Killswitch are definitely coming through, though.
I'd be happy for a Mafia win to be declared. The 'fastest finger first' approach is complicated slightly by the fact that I've already informed iviv that I'm currently out of the country ( enjoying some sunshine in Malta, how's the rain in blighty?) and had asked him to post my next vote for me (should I have survived the night phase) which would have been unfair in the case that it was a race to vote.

I can also see jeditojanens point about the game. A game like this needs good players to make it work and the games will be little hit and miss until we have core of players who know some basic strategy.
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