I'm hoping you've got more to say than that
I just have one thing to say.... A tree stump! A fricking Tree Stump!!!
I'm hoping you've got more to say than that
Ok I think an important thing to discuss is the extension that was offered to the town yesterday by Jedi. Four votes would have given us an extra 24 hours to hunt for the scum. Here were the players reactions:
Pudney - Actively opposed it and was evasive when questioned
Leprechaun - Actively opposed it then did not vote
Pookie Bear - Did not comment on it and did not vote
Shamikebab - Wanted extension but voted for Psymonkee after town refused extension
Chriscubed - Wanted extension but voted for Psymonkee after town refused extension.
Frankly the first 3 people on that list have a lot of explaining to do imo. I cannot see how opposing extra time for the town is anything but scum behaviour. The rushed time led to us making a mistake last night and losing a lot of townies, that could have been avoided. Pookie's complete absence needs explaining too.
Pudney if you have a useful ability you should probably share it, saying you have one will surely just make you a mafia target
Pookie, if I am a possible bad guy explain why I voted early on for both Brabbinho and Killswitch? I was loud yesterday because frankly most of you seem to have given up for various reasons, silence means we lose it's as simple as that.
I don't think voting early is a big difference to voting at any other time, in fact - especially bearing in mind that, especially at the start of the week, having three votes against you was quite common! It's your sudden u-turn in attitude as much as anything else that has brought you forward in my attention - you're doing exactly what you accused chriscubed and iviv of doing. Over-bearing and claiming those who don't do what you think they should is being anti-town.Pookie, if I am a possible bad guy explain why I voted early on for both Brabbinho and Killswitch? I was loud yesterday because frankly most of you seem to have given up for various reasons, silence means we lose it's as simple as that.
The reason I asked that question yesterday is that I'm not sure if say Chris is mafia but Killswitch messages the nightkill in, does it say Chris went anywhere in the night? Honestly I don't know and without that information it makes the results pretty useless.
Chris has been pretty quiet too, going from one of the most active members in day 1/2 to very, very quiet in the last few days.
The reason I asked that question yesterday is that I'm not sure if say Chris is mafia but Killswitch messages the nightkill in, does it say Chris went anywhere in the night? Honestly I don't know and without that information it makes the results pretty useless.
I've also asked this question before when Psymonkee revealed his role. Is this something you can clarify Jedit? If you are reading this of course?
Wiki said:Once during each Night, A MEMBER of the faction (Mafia, Werewolves, or Serial Killer, usually) may be dispatched to kill a player.
That's what i feared Info is fairly useless then.
That's a watcher not a tracker.
Chris - He's stated his reasons for being quieter however his game style has changed a lot since the beginning. Since the 'execution' (I like that word ) of Brabbinho... taking it a bit easier since then? A low profile? He is also the only remaining player who did not vote for both of the confirmed mafioso! He is probably the most 'obvious' target based on this evidence. Possible Scum
The two I believe to be the most likely scum candidates are Chris and Leprechaun.