Main holds 19 year dying dog in lake every night who saved him when he was a puppy

20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
I have not told anybody what to do, as usual with threads like this, the hard of thinking jump in with both feet, dont understand a point someone is trying to make, have no appreciation for someone elses point of view and it ends of being a slanging match because they really just are not capable or too lazy to rationalize what someone is saying.

If you go to a medical practitioner and say "I am thinking of killing myself" or you try to kill yourself, you will be sectioned under the mental health act, because you are not well. If he was considering topping himself because he got dumped and he hasnt had help since then, chances are he will have the same thoughts the next time something bad happens to him and he should be seeking help if he hasnt done already.

The dog is 17 years old, and suffering. I hate seeing animals suffer, I hate people who put their feelings and inability to cope with loss above the welfare of the animal.

I tried to help the not quite so bright of you understand that I was coming from a point of being in a situation similar to him, and that my thoughts on the matter were not coming from a point of never being in a position to understand being in a hopeless position.

Its no less a valid view on the matter than any of yours.

I commend you from getting yourself together when everything went wrong with you but seriously, from you posts, you still have major issues and I think you really need to go and talk to somebody pofessionally.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Really cute that is.

I love dogs, especially big dogs, and I can understand why he would do anything for his dog.

I don't find it upsetting, I find it increadibly warming in a way. I like that we can have mutual love across species, it makes living on this earth all the more enjoyable.

Gotta love mans best friend. :)

My sentiments exactly. I have held 3 dogs as they have been put to sleep in my lifetime and the bond between dog and man is so strong.
21 Nov 2008
That dog would benefit from getting stoned. No, really, cannabis has been shown to be great for dealing with arthritis. Get it stoned... Forget the lake.
22 Jul 2012
Almost shed a tear while reading that story... My dog's only 3, but I do often think of how limited her time is and how I'll deal with 'the end' when it comes.

Best to give them as good a life and as much love as you can, while you can I guess.
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