Mallorca protests.

22 Nov 2005
Have you ever had a conversation with a non-white person?
yea, mostly the same as with a white person, since I was raised in a time when racism was only skin deep, and everyone is the same on the inside.

Not this modern stuff where everyone is different and diverse seemingly to create conflict

Nottingham had a lot of people with African Heritage even in the 80s and 90s, I think my close social circle in my teens had at least 7 guys who were black, one or two people with Indian heritage, even a few Welsh and a Scottish family. oh sorry they're white :cry:

Not many people even seemed racist b ack then, the biggest racism were "a Scottishman, an Englishman and an Irishman walk into a"

Everyone in the area listened to reggae ragga, dnb, hiphob rnb etc.

I was basically raised on Beenieman, mr vegas, ladysaw etc

do you even know what a riddim is bro?

also your presuming I'm white when I may not be

I'm probably experienced more African culture than most people who claim they are "african American" or whatever purely based on the colour of their skin

What makes someone white, black or whatever other race? whys it a big factor with some people on here?

btw I'm so racist that this week I watched "kings of harlem", "snowfall" and "power"
the Topboy series was pretty good too.

you might even find some posts in that thread of me being positive about it even though I'm racist and the cast are 95% non white

Why are all white people classed as the same even though they come from many different cultures with not much apart from skin colour in common? is that not racist?

some people just want to find racism where it doesn't exist..

There can be other reasons for an anti immigration stance, try living in an area where they get dumped, watch it change over the years for the worse and you might understand.

I don't mean "dumped" in a bad way, but thats basically what the government does, it doesn't help them adapt or integrate it just floods an area with them until only their culture is left.

hows that ever going to help them adapt or intergrate? if they want immigration it needs to be managed with them spread around so they have to engage and interact with the natives and befriend them.

also I'm not planning on retiring to spain, so don't blame me for them, If I was ever going to retire it would probably be switzerland, I already can speak their language and find their culture and way of life very appealing.
Thats also a country with a lot of immigration but they seem to help them settle a lot better than ours does, so it doesn't seem like an issue there.

I lived in Switzerland for awhile surounded by Germans, Hungarians and Turkish people in what was known as an "immigrant quarter" and it was nothing like the areas you get in the UK
I'm sure there were some Roma there too.

Although there did seem to be an issue with people gathering around parks and train stations being pretty anti-social, probably Bulgarians or Romanians, as they looked a lot like the big issue sellers you get over here
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13 Nov 2006
yea, mostly the same as with a white person, since I was raised in a time when racism was only skin deep, and everyone is the same on the inside.

Not this modern stuff where everyone is different and diverse seemingly to create conflict

Nottingham had a lot of people with African Heritage even in the 80s and 90s, I think my close social circle in my teens had at least 7 guys who were black, one or two people with Indian heritage, even a few Welsh and a Scottish family. oh sorry they're white :cry:

Not many people even seemed racist b ack then, the biggest racism were "a Scottishman, an Englishman and an Irishman walk into a"

Everyone in the area listened to reggae ragga, dnb, hiphob rnb etc.

I was basically raised on Beenieman, mr vegas, ladysaw etc

do you even know what a riddim is bro?

also your presuming I'm white when I may not be

I'm probably experienced more African culture than most people who claim they are "african American" or whatever purely based on the colour of their skin

What makes someone white, black or whatever other race? whys it a big factor with some people on here?

btw I'm so racist that this week I watched "kings of harlem", "snowfall" and "power"
the Topboy series was pretty good too.

you might even find some posts in that thread of me being positive about it even though I'm racist and the cast are 95% non white

Why are all white people classed as the same even though they come from many different cultures with not much apart from skin colour in common? is that not racist?

some people just want to find racism where it doesn't exist..

There can be other reasons for an anti immigration stance, try living in an area where they get dumped, watch it change over the years for the worse and you might understand.

I don't mean "dumped" in a bad way, but thats basically what the government does, it doesn't help them adapt or integrate it just floods an area with them until only their culture is left.

hows that ever going to help them adapt or intergrate? if they want immigration it needs to be managed with them spread around so they have to engage and interact with the natives and befriend them.

also I'm not planning on retiring to spain, so don't blame me for them, If I was ever going to retire it would probably be switzerland, I already can speak their language and find their culture and way of life very appealing.
Thats also a country with a lot of immigration but they seem to help them settle a lot better than ours does, so it doesn't seem like an issue there.

I lived in Switzerland for awhile surounded by Germans, Hungarians and Turkish people in what was known as an "immigrant quarter" and it was nothing like the areas you get in the UK
I'm sure there were some Roma there too.

Although there did seem to be an issue with people gathering around parks and train stations being pretty anti-social, probably Bulgarians or Romanians, as they looked a lot like the big issue sellers you get over here
I think people (myself) come to conclusions based on posts made on here, often without history and context, and often when that person has made many sweeping statements and assumptions. Often based on what they see on the internet or in the news. Hence the question I asked. Given what you've posted I'm surprised you care about people having BBQs, for example.
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22 Nov 2005
I think people (myself) come to conclusions based on posts made on here, often without history and context, and often when that person has made many sweeping statements and assumptions. Often based on what they see on the internet or in the news. Hence the question I asked. Given what you've posted I'm surprised you care about people having BBQs, for example.
I struggle to find the correct words and put forward my views due to Autism, people likely lose the gist of what I'm trying to say, and then maybe it comes across as racist :/

Also I likely misuse some words, but in my head they fit

It's my fault and can't really be helped.

Expressing Thoughts and Ideas Clearly

Autistic individuals may encounter difficulties organizing their thoughts, leading to challenges in expressing themselves clearly and concisely. Difficulty with verbal fluency, sentence structure, and word choice can impact their ability to communicate their ideas and perspectives effectively.

Repetitive Language Patterns

Some autistic individuals may exhibit repetitive language patterns, such as echolalia (repeating phrases or words), scripting (using memorized phrases), or stereotyped language. While these patterns serve various functions, they may impede smooth communication and understanding.
btw if I were racist I would be in the police thread, stating that guy desaerved to get his head stamped/kicked, instead I said the opposite

and that gives the police permission to stamp and kick someones head whos laying on the floor?

do cops wear steel toe cap boots?

They are supposed to show restraint and control, he lost it worse than most club bouncers smacking a chav. so he shouldn't be in the job, he can't even control his own actions

If the guy punched an attacker and he lands on the floor, so be it, but he's now a none threat surely...

I like how the female seems pretty much useless there... imagine having to rely on her as your backup
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13 Nov 2006
I struggle to find the correct words and put forward my views due to Autism, people likely lose the gist of what I'm trying to say, and then maybe it comes across as racist :/

Also I likely misuse some words, but in my head they fit

It's my fault and can't really be helped.

btw if I were racist I would be in the police thread, stating that guy desaerved to get his head stamped/kicked, instead I said the opposite
I'd assume xenophobia before racism for most people.

Writing and reading posts don't really help do convey where people are coming from but it is clear to see when people have an agenda, most of the time anyway.
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