Mallorca protests.

23 May 2006
I much preferred Menorca to Mallorca. Far nicer place
I haven't been for 25 years but that is how I remember it too. it's our last throw of the dice to try to win our 8 year old over to sandy beach holidays. as it stands at the moment he is not really interested beyond 20 mins or so.

I tried to think of the place with the best weather , the nicest beaches and not far to travel and I could not think of anywhere nicer..... but I digress........
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22 Nov 2005
What’s the difference? You get low rent British people going there to the English bars, eating fry ups, steak and chips, playing bingo etc. how is that not erasing their culture?
how has that erased spanish culture?

instead of gentrification its now immigraification.
They don't adapt to our way of life like all those middle class indians in the 60's 70's

they totally replace our way of life now

my 2 local primary schools are spot the white kid, see them taking classes out into the town and they walk past where I live.

almost all the local population totally displaced over ther last 20 years.

area now looks like a third world country with all the rubbish, feral rats, overflowing bins, dog much etc all over.


if itr were a remote tribe of like 30 people, and you start sending 3 people from an other race their every year guess how many years it takes until their culture is gone. not many and it would b e considered unsustainable and no doubt some crime on the world stage

but when its just your poor area away from the elites and mps... all good.

won't be long until whole cities accents have disappeared
we're basically importing mass unskilled labour with likely no real formal education other than a religious one and somehow they are expected to boost the economy.

maybe in about 100 years, population always equalled power in the past, it's probably some short sighed long goal of keeping up with the population of other countries.

no doubt some WEF agenda to make sure the west stays on top

What’s the difference? You get low rent British people going there to the English bars, eating fry ups, steak and chips, playing bingo etc. how is that not erasing their culture?
for a start we generally share the same values, ideas and beliefs of people in Mallorca and we are a net gain on their economy.
there way of life is basically the same as ours and fully compatible.
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24 Oct 2012
I don't understand that mentality. If I go somewhere foreign, I want to go balls deep in to their culture. Food, drink, nights out, cultural days out, the lot. Soak it all in.

People that go on holiday and eat steak and chips with a pint of stella make no sense to me.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
I don't understand that mentality. If I go somewhere foreign, I want to go balls deep in to their culture. Food, drink, nights out, cultural days out, the lot. Soak it all in.

People that go on holiday and eat steak and chips with a pint of stella make no sense to me.

Just depends on the type of holiday, most people just crave a little sun because the UK is so lacking in that department. I sometimes wonder how common holidays would be if the UK weather wasn't so rubbish.
23 May 2006
i just want a nice pool with swim up bar, hot weather and a good beach for a swim in the sea.

bonus points if scuba diving or good snorkelling. i usually try and drink the local beer. does that make me cultured? :D

if the wallet allowed i would alternate between Maldives, Egypt and somewhere in the Caribbean... Sadly the wallet no longer allows since having a child.

as for not being attracted to spain...... I would say if you know where to go there are some pretty secluded places on Majorca and Menorca, you dont have to go to Magaluf ;)
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18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
I imagine it's more the drivel to detract away from the actual issue and steer it towards immigrants. Because immigrants are bad mmmkay

Whilst i'm sure he's only talking about refugee type immigrants, you could arguably say they are suffering from that exact problem as well as more expats British immigrants buy holiday lets or emigrate over there.


Expats are immigrants but the people slating immigrants coming over to the UK like to distance it from the same practice that UK people do themselves by changing the words

Immigrants to Expats
Ghettos to Expat Communities
15 Jul 2005
I don't understand that mentality. If I go somewhere foreign, I want to go balls deep in to their culture. Food, drink, nights out, cultural days out, the lot. Soak it all in.

People that go on holiday and eat steak and chips with a pint of stella make no sense to me.

you have just summed up why multiculturism very rarely works. I have travelled to a lot of places, normally visit local attractions for a bit of sight seeing, but still eat similar food and drink the same as i would back at home. Most of the food you get abroad is available in London if you know where to go. Large majority of people aren't foodies and couldn't give a toss what they eat as long as it tastes decent.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain

Expats are immigrants but the people slating immigrants coming over to the UK like to distance it from the same practice that UK people do themselves by changing the words

Immigrants to Expats
Ghettos to Expat Communities

Oh i know that, but in the case of Spain there's probably more Dutch/German/Belgian immigrants that British so Ex pats covers them all.
13 Nov 2006
you have just summed up why multiculturism very rarely works. I have travelled to a lot of places, normally visit local attractions for a bit of sight seeing, but still eat similar food and drink the same as i would back at home. Most of the food you get abroad is available in London if you know where to go. Large majority of people aren't foodies and couldn't give a toss what they eat as long as it tastes decent.
"Multiculturalism" isn't really a modern thing. Cultures have mixed since, well, pretty much forever.
24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
how has that erased spanish culture?

for a start we generally share the same values, ideas and beliefs of people in Mallorca

Some parts of the south of Spain have become Britain in the sun with English bars and restaurants ran by Brits that sell full English breakfasts and roast dinners. Brits that over run the place getting hammered causing trouble etc. how does that help preserve Spanish culture?
18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
Oh i know that, but in the case of Spain there's probably more Dutch/German/Belgian immigrants that British so Ex pats covers them all.

As would changing the word from expat to immigrant... Expat is not a word for UK immigrants only.

Expat is a word that is used to remove all negative imagery of immigrants and make the exact same actions more agreeable.

In honesty - it's for the local and native population to determine the correct word, not for the people moving there to bodyswerve what they really are.

I have no issue with people.emigrating to Spain etc, but it should be called what it is without attempt to whitewash it.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
As would changing the word from expat to immigrant... Expat is not a word for UK immigrants only.

Expat is a word that is used to remove all negative imagery of immigrants and make the exact same actions more agreeable.

In honesty - it's for the local and native population to determine the correct word, not for the people moving there to bodyswerve what they really are.

I have no issue with people.emigrating to Spain etc, but it should be called what it is without attempt to whitewash it.

Yeah, it's fair enough and i fully accept the status of immigrant. Hell the fact that when arriving you go through immigration not expatigration (new word?)
9 Apr 2007
never been attracted to spain really.. too many brits and I know too many plums that go there. Much prefer crete.
If you like Crete you'd love North Cyprus.
Culture rich because of its situation it's not modernised all that much.

That and Rethymno are my favourite places. Doesn't need to be especially hot either low 20s is perfect beginning or end of season.
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