Some parts of the south of Spain have become Britain in the sun with English bars and restaurants ran by Brits that sell full English breakfasts and roast dinners. Brits that over run the place getting hammered causing trouble etc. how does that help preserve Spanish culture?
that's expats not tourism.
and probably more similar to little italy or china town.
would they rather a little Roma.
Just walked to Morrisons through the small local park.
about 50 guys that looks a lot like the leeds lot, so probably roma.
about 5BBQs but they don't use normal BBQs
they are like metal baby bathes on legs with smoke pouring out all over the place.
literally taken over, no one else can use it unless they want to stink of smoke and be surrounded by people drinking.
it should be a place for people to enjoy a quiet area surrounded by nature, or people with kids who want a bit of fresh air
if it were English people you know damn well it would be anti-social and the police would disperse them.
but yea, over crowding and lack of housing and services for local people seems to be a huge problem all over the world that is largely caused by putting non natives last.
people don't care if they don't live around it, no politicians will ever have the experience, we're just racist far right for noticing the huge decline in our neighbourhoods.
invsible and a non issue no doubt to 90% of the people on these forums, until your kids want to go to uni and find the housing costs a fortune