Manchester Bombing *** Please remain respectful and refrain from antagonising posts ***

As far as I know.. No she hasn't. I believe she called for 'final action' whatever that meant. She is a despicable woman but no need to exxagerate what she said.

indeed - that is a very dodgy tweet, though would be better if people reported what she actually said rather than making an exaggerated claim about it.
She should get some police attention for that.

She has been reported to the police. Good.

As far as I know.. No she hasn't. I believe she called for 'final action' whatever that meant. She is a despicable woman but no need to exxagerate what she said.

She called for the final solution. That afaik only has one connotation

Would it have made any difference to the outcome though?

If you have a large group trying to get out and a group trying to get in there will still be a bottleneck.

True which is what I heard the ex mi6 guy say this morning. If you move security to the outer perimeter then you have large groups of people there open to an attack.
She called for a 'final solution'.

She knows exactly what she tweeted. Her career is built on this crap and people like her are responsible for growing the problem. A quick tweet, delete and a 'didnt mean that' apology seems her signiture move these days.

Her aim is just to evoke a reaction from those who both agree and disagree because she has figured out that it makes people pay attention to her.
What do you propose then?

Well depends on which way you want to go, but the major points would have to be.

Force integration, the majority of these human rats that do these acts of insanity come from areas dedicated as Muslim only areas.
Ban religious schools, children must attend the same school system as everyone else.
Vet religious imams coming into the country and prevent teachers of Wahhabism from being taught in UK mosques.
Stop military actions in Middle East,

Possible actions, can't say any are unreasonable or unrealistic
Would it have made any difference to the outcome though?

If you have a large group trying to get out and a group trying to get in there will still be a bottleneck.
It's still very much a security issue. I'm wondering whether or not the bomber would have been aware of this?
he people that work security at most public events aren't competent in the slightest

I've worked with a lot of events security and they are hugely variable, some are relatively good at their jobs and some really aren't. It's all a bit moot though as security aren't at fault here.

You'll have enough people exiting at the end of a gig to cause similar casualty counts even if you stayed on the street with the crowds going around you. If you move the perimeter search then you will still have a cluster of people who could be targeted, just further away from your entrance. There are no easy answers here.
True which is what I heard the ex mi6 guy say this morning. If you move security to the outer perimeter then you have large groups of people there open to an attack.
Not as large as inside the building though I would have thought.
She called for the final solution. That afaik only has one connotation

I think your clutching at straws. As horrible as she is that could be interpreted many ways. For example... Many would think that means stopping all muslim immigration. Others would think it means kicking Muslims out. Other may think it means more police security.

She may mean it means gassing them all but you don't know.
Don't think security were really at fault here... based on what has been said so far

It seems like with a gig like this quite a common practice might be dropping the kids off and seeing them safely through security, then heading for a meal out or whatever and then waiting for them in the foyer at the time the gig closed... Easy to see how someone could simply walk into that area without it seeming very suspicious... move security to the outside of the foyer? Well then the same person could simply wait outside the doors instead... There's always a point of crossover between the public space and the crowds leaving the event so even the tightest of security can't really do anything
but you don't know.

She means it to mean whatever you want it to mean, as long as it incites a reaction. She knows full well how it could all be interpreted and it was just another move to get into the news. Like some of her other posts, it has landed her in hot water but she wills till likely profit out of the move.

No one here actually believes she genuinely suggests the final solution but rather it is just another move to profit on a terrible event. She does it all the time, whether it is about a terrorist attack or an aide worker contracted Ebola or Londoners drowning.

If her controversies all shared a common agenda i would put her hate down to a political or social cause but it seems to be mainly about getting attention.
I cant stand the woman but it does seem she tweeted that - then deleted it and re worded it, so it does seem to me she realised what it could have meant and addressed that
Which makes the security useless. What's the point in checking people going in before the start and then don't check people going in at the end?

Oh please.

What do you want. Every home to have a government run metal detector on the corner of every street ? A baggage check airport security service at the entrance the latest INTU mall ?

No, no you do not, It plays directly into the scumbags hands, by reducing our own freedom.

So, yes bad stuff happens, yes people die.

But the overall picture is more important and that is the freedom of everyone, not baggage checks every-time you get on a train, or put a cucumber in your bag at ALDI.
Still a large number of people saying they haven't heard from relatives, I suppose best case scenario is that they're non-critically wounded but don't have any ID on them. Awful.

Assuming this is an ISIS related incident - A friend of mine is ex Army and served in the middle east, he said that the Arab mindset is so massively different to our own that we'll never be able to change it. We're wasting our time there.

Unfortunately though I don't see a way to ever stop this, there are simply far too many people.
Don't think security were really at fault here... based on what has been said so far

It seems like with a gig like this quite a common practice might be dropping the kids off and seeing them safely through security, then heading for a meal out or whatever and then waiting for them in the foyer at the time the gig closed... Easy to see how someone could simply walk into that area without it seeming very suspicious... move security to the outside of the foyer? Well then the same person could simply wait outside the doors instead... There's always a point of crossover between the public space and the crowds leaving the event so even the tightest of security can't really do anything
I don't accept that. Take the example of Fairford airshow where hundreds of thousands of people walk through four portable scanners with armed guards at either side. Works for them.
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