Manchester Bombing *** Please remain respectful and refrain from antagonising posts ***

An interesting read:

I stumbled across a facebook profile of the mum of one of the missing children. There were around 2k comments, 75% from people pasting the exact message about the children being at the holiday inn. I can't understand this, I clicked on a few and they seemed to be genuine profiles. Anyone commenting could see the other comments saying exactly the same thing.
On 5 live we've just been told by a government advisor that this is the normal and we should get used to it.

Tis true, statistically you are many times more likely to be struck by lightening or involved in a road accident.
Saying so does not help but all one can do is to go about your daily life.
Oh I know that and I'm sure I will still go. But it does plant a seed of fear and uncertainty in your mind :(

It does. I'm supposed to be seeing Metallica in Manchester soon - it could have been me, or any of us, injured or killed.

I will obviously be going providing they don't cancel but it'll be hard to shake off a solemn vibe from that attack.... and actually I expect they would have to alter the setlist quite dramatically. Not sure 'now that we're dead' would go down too well :/
Oh I know that and I'm sure I will still go. But it does plant a seed of fear and uncertainty in your mind :(

Definitely. About 15 years ago the Taliban attacked a mosque at prayer time and most of my family were there (Pakistan). We would have been there but our plane got delayed so got there a few hours after the attack. The next day they went again without hesitation and I went along as well but with, as you say, a bit of fear and uncertainty. That also had a suicide bomber, which was pretty much rare before the 2002 war.
At the end of the day, you have to carry on and live your life. Can't let them stop you doing things you enjoy or they will have won.

But I know when I go to my gigs, it will be in the back of my mind that I could be in the wrong place at the wrong time :(

8 year old girl confirmed dead :(

How utterly awful :(
My friend lives opposite over looking the arena and heard it go off, saw people running out and blood all over. Truly horrible, I've been in that foyer so many times and even with my son to the McDonalds.
On 5 live we've just been told by a government advisor that this is the normal and we should get used to it.

Ffs so we should get used to our children getting slaughtered in the streets.

I'm going to be a farther in 4 months time if this is the norm to be I don't think I want to live in this country anymore.

Unfortunately he is correct. If you have a solution to get crime down to 0 incidents a year please share. We can minimise terrorism as much as we can. As you can see extremism can come from anywhere
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