I particularly like the final paragraph.
*runs away and hides from the incoming tsunami of you should NEVER buy early access games people*2 hours till release, I will be jumping on it asap. This will be my second game I've bought in early access, the other one was baldurs gate 3.
Public service announcement : you should buy it if you want*runs away and hides from the incoming tsunami of you should NEVER buy early access games people*
To be honest the developers attitude and openness has been refreshing so i'll be buying it on launch to support the game and even if there are issues, i'm more likely to overlook them given how open and honest the dev has been.I can get onboard with people saying don't pre-order, but the early access model is very important to smaller devs, especially these days with the industry in the state it's in. By all means don't take part yourself, but telling others not to when the game's development depends on early access money is daft.
Out now but steam is getting rammed, very difficult to purchase it.
Humble Store offers a further discount for Choice subscribers on this one. Showing at £23.62 for me! Bargain.