March Budget 2016

Because he's the hero Britain deserves, but not the one it needs right now, so we'll hunt him. Because he can take it, because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight.
Remember CPI inflation from 2010 to 2015 has been 15%. Real GDP grew 10% on top.



The trend seen above is likely to continue into 2020.
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Best news I've heard today. Hateful individual. Very happy he put the boot in to Cam and Osbourne as he went though.
You are aware that I believe the cuts would have been even fairer to younger families and people of working age if we had been willing to reduce some of the benefits given to better-off pensioners but I have attempted to work within the constraints that you and the Chancellor set.
I agree with IDS here. We see the working generation being hammered left, right and centre - but how many cuts have the pensioners actually had, if any?

I have always said this government is always trying to keep the pensioners sweet and so far I haven't seen evidence that suggests otherwise.
I agree with IDS here. We see the working generation being hammered left, right and centre - but how many cuts have the pensioners actually had, if any?

I have always said this government is always trying to keep the pensioners sweet and so far I haven't seen evidence that suggests otherwise.

They only care about keeping their voter base happy which is what you can see from the last budget (impact by income decile). It also fits in with the ideology of a small state.

Secondly over these 2 terms they will have bribed the pensioner vote which normally has a high propensity to actually vote.

In order to pay for the above two things only a few things could be cut (especially with the initial ring-fencing of healthcare). How do you do that without making it a PR disaster, try to turn people against the poor. Cut education spending (children can't vote anyway) and reduce support for young adults (they don't vote much anyway).

IDS presided over the most impactful of those cuts and still defends them in his letter.
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