Marvel Heroes

Well that's the attitude of the modern power leveling gamer I guess, they never learn.

If they were a even a little prudent they would realise a) there will be bugs b) there will be balancing issue's c) rushing to cap does not make girls fancy you!
Well that's the attitude of the modern power leveling gamer I guess, they never learn.

If they were a even a little prudent they would realise a) there will be bugs b) there will be balancing issue's c) rushing to cap does not make girls fancy you!

I once pulled Kelly Brook by rushing cap in TBC WoW..........

This may or may not be true. :p
I once pulled Kelly Brook by rushing cap in TBC WoW..........

This may or may not be true. :p

Kelly Brook !! sounds like I need to renew my WoW sub :p (sigh... might console myself by checking out some kelly pics :D)

Baked a cake today, and it doesn't stack :( What do you get in the cakes btw? I've heard you get about 3 uniques, but do you get anything else?

Invisible Woman is now my highest hero at lvl 40, and splinters are starting to mount up again (136 so far). Drop rate of them seems pretty good, almost too good. I'll be able to do another random soon, although I might hold off till I get at least one hero up to 60. There are quite a few heroes I'm interested in picking up now (about 10), so I might be just as well going random and hoping for the best.
You get 3 Uniques, some day runes, some armour drives and a bunch of random loot.

And tbh I would keep leveling IW now, at least 50 for the second synergy bonus preferably to 60 for the 30% xp bonus.
You get 3 Uniques, some day runes, some armour drives and a bunch of random loot.

And tbh I would keep leveling IW now, at least 50 for the second synergy bonus preferably to 60 for the 30% xp bonus.

Thanks for the information on the cake. I read about the xp bonus today, which conviced me to concentrate on one hero and get to 60. I'm still enjoying IW, so will likely be her first.
This game I swear, I was one of the "founder pledges" to this and I have always been on and off it. I could never stick to one character and just got bored of going through the same parts of the story again.

I logged back in this Friday and decided to give it another shot. I look at all my toons then I saw that Gambit was on the store.... insta buy with my god knows how many G's I have that came with the founder pack. Gambit is one of my fav characters (in comics). God damm he is so much fun to play :D Over the course of the weekend I got him to level 33 (my highest level character to date lol) There has been so much added to the game since I last played it. I also had a play around with Cyclops and Spiderman too. I quite enjoyed Cyclops he was quite fun and from what I see his synergy bonus at level 50 seems useful +10% XP. Spiderman just felt lackluster to me, I really wanted to use him since I have the Symbiote costume which is really nice but I just didn’t find him fun to play.

But so far Gambit has hooked me the most, really enjoy the play style and he just “feels like Gambit”. Just trying to get my head around all the different things in this game bit by bit though, Omega points, Odin Marks, Prestige there is just so much that it can be a bit overwhelming lol. But for a F2P game they have done an amazing job really.
Gambit is one of the heroes I'd like to get :)

I have enough for a Random box now, If I got any of
Gambit - Nightcrawler - Deadpool
Silver Surfer - Rocket Raccoon - Human Torch
Moon Knight - Ms Marvel - Squirel Girl​

I'd be pretty happy... damn I'm starting to get tempted to roll the random hero dice lol
Gambit is one of the heroes I'd like to get :)

I have enough for a Random box now, If I got any of
Gambit - Nightcrawler - Deadpool
Silver Surfer - Rocket Raccoon - Human Torch
Moon Knight - Ms Marvel - Squirel Girl​

I'd be pretty happy... damn I'm starting to get tempted to roll the random hero dice lol

Flow chart for buying random boxes:

1) Do you own Taskmaster?

YES - go to 2.
NO - just buy Taskmaster, for God's sake.

2) Do you own more than half the existing heroes (currently 18)?

YES - go to 3.
NO - buy a random box.

3) Do you own more 600-splinter heroes than 200-splinter heroes?

YES - save for a 200-splinter hero.
NO - go to 4.

4) Do you own Iron Man?

YES - save for a 400-splinter hero, because none of the other 600-splinter heroes are worth buying.
NO - save for Iron Man.

There is a spreadsheet somewhere that calculates the exact effective value of a box, but that chart is good enough.
Interesting flowchart :)

I failed the flowchart, and randomed Psylocke. Not a Hero I've really looked at yet, so not sure about her. She has no travel skill from what I can see, I'll need try a few levels to see how she plays.

IW is trying to fill my storage with uniques atm, 5 x Boots, 3 x gloves, 3 x capes, and several others. Also quite a few artifacts. I know there is supposed to be a recipe for turning 3 uniques into 1, but I've not leveled my crafter up enough for that.
Why don't you just buy the Hero you want ?

Packs start at $9 and Heroes ingame start around £4-10 ? Gazillion deserve some rewards for the superb game and constant updates ;)

My Silver Surfer is now level 40 and blitzing through content, he really is an AoE monster that doesn't die !!
I'm not desperate for a specific hero, so randoms are working out fine tbh.

There are quite a few 50% off still on steam, wonder if it will turn up on a daily deal. ;) Might end up with one of the team packs avengers or x-force.

I put some cash in for craft storage, seems to be needed.
I put some cash in for craft storage, seems to be needed.

It pretty much is, one tab for Runes is pretty much essential given how many variates there are. Maybe a second one one for costume cores (can you can just wait for drops as you level but with there only being a 4 or 5 types it's worth hanging on to the good ones for alts). The misleading one is the 4 crafting materials, just keep a stack of the highest level that currently drops for you and split as with the crafter, it's a fairly low level recipe to do it.
Oh yeah and I had a name change since I posted mine earlier, it's now "SanityisRelative" (didn't realise your account name would show in game I figured I'd get a chance to choose a display name so when lack of numbers left me stuck with part of my real name as an account name I knew it was time to change)

If your online hit me up, I've got characters pretty much everywhere in the level ranges and quite honestly I'm tired of pick up groups that haven't twigged the red line in front on Juggernaut means GTFO of dodge (seriously I know we all have that moment in midtown where 7 heroes stacking attacks mean you can't see it but this was a lvl 30 red terminal Castle Doom run, 4 of us and I'm the only who didn't die to his charge, and did we learn out lesson when the next boss was Rhino?)
Big close to the anniversary this weekend, lots of events running.

Epic Twelve Weekend
1 - Return of the Reaper
2 - Legendary BOGO
3 - Even More Cowbell
4 - Devs with Benefits
5 - Runes Reloaded
6 - Soccer Showdown
7 - Cosmic Chaos
8 - Summer BBQ
9 - Alpha Omega
10 - Teamwork 101
11 - Accidents Happen
12 - Old School​

Further description of the events HERE
If you get a second hero do they start at level 1 meaning you have to replay all the levels?

Like any RPG or MMo, new characters start at the beginning. You could just run Holo Sim or Midtown ( X-Def ? ) to level up until 20 then complete instances and Legendary quests.
The old school event means that Hero Tokens can drop this weekend :D

Great time to use up some of my saved up buff potions ;)

Server is going down now for the update.
Looking forward to this weekend :D

Seriously tempted to pre-order the Bad Guys advance pack !! 60% discount !! think it would be rude not too :p

  • 6 Heroes/Villains Mr. Fantastic, Star-Lord, Rogue, Venom, Juggernaut, Magneto
  • 12 Costumes (6 default costumes & 6 alternate costumes, one for each character)
  • 6 Hero S.T.A.S.H. pages - one each upon release of each character
Looking forward to this weekend :D

Seriously tempted to pre-order the Bad Guys advance pack !! 60% discount !! think it would be rude not too :p

  • 6 Heroes/Villains Mr. Fantastic, Star-Lord, Rogue, Venom, Juggernaut, Magneto
  • 12 Costumes (6 default costumes & 6 alternate costumes, one for each character)
  • 6 Hero S.T.A.S.H. pages - one each upon release of each character

Not sure how they get 60% though, most of the hero packs average about 15 dollars for hero + costume + stash, plus some also have extra costumes / fortune cards / retcon. Unless of course they charge a lot more the the villians.
Well, if you were to buy each of the six characters in the pack separately, buy all the costumes separately, all the stash tabs separately after release you will definitely pay a lot more. The 60% is probably inflated to make it sound better!

The Hero/Villain pack contains maybe 4 premium class characters ie same bracket as say Spiderman who does cost considerably more than say non premiums like Taskmaster, if that makes any sense :)
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