Marvel Heroes

The event has started and tokens are dropping, but trading with Gambit has been disabled while they fix a bug where he was taking your entire stack of items if you bought anything. Keep collecting.
Newsflash: Cosmic Week is going to be overlapping with Omega Boost this time. If you've got a yellow fellow languishing below 60, now's the time to do some work.

Punisher's 52 review is also due this week. Apparently his ult doesn't look all that great for damage, but most of the rest of his kit is sound. Cost reduction is his thing, so stack Strength and dig out a Cosmic Magneto Medallion.
Whelp Midtown madness week. Good way to gear up uinderused 60s.

Bloody internet went down yesterday so I never got my login reward drives so my 1990 Omega drives are going to sit mocking me till next Omega event.
Whelp Midtown madness week. Good way to gear up uinderused 60s.

Bloody internet went down yesterday so I never got my login reward drives so my 1990 Omega drives are going to sit mocking me till next Omega event.

Don't worry, Coulson's naff anyway. Grab six Omega boxes instead and hope for a Nazi Coat (or Doom Cloak, if you have a summoner character).

Iceman is out. I like him, though levelling him is probably not as easy as I thought it was last night when I didn't know I had a 192% boost. I also need to check out Punisher - he was my first hero, but I've not played him for a while.
Given we've already seen spoilers for achievements based on specfic team up usage i still think getting coulson first is the way to go. Once that's out of the way i can get boxes from omega everytime it conea up.
If you've been out for a while, now's the time to get back in - the Big 10 Event is in full swing. The St Patrick's Day event is still live, albeit without the 77% server side XP buff, along with the Omega Event (24% XP discount on Omegas plus 24% cumulative XP buff per day), Odin's Bounty (increased Odin Mark gain plus lootsplosions in various areas), Cosmic Event (halved Cosmic prestige penalty, double loot in Cosmic terminals), daily free Fortune Cards for completing Industry City events, ARMOR event (soon to include Ultimate Upgrade Tokens for ARMOR drives), a 15% bonus on purchase of in-game currency, and 25% discount on Fortune Cards in the store.

The last "event" is a 35% discount on Mega Pack 3, which comprises a total of 43 heroes plus their STASH tabs and 60 Fortune Cards for $140. In terms of regular costs, that's effectively giving you every hero in the game bar Bucky and Iceman for free if you buy all the STASH tabs. So if you're considering going full whale on the game, there's never been a better time.

She-Hulk is about to go on the TC. I missed the video, but people who saw it think she is both hilarious and broken. All her powers are named with legal puns. For example, Bar Exam involves her whipping out an iron bar and hitting people with it.
I'm hearing that She-Hulk is going live on Friday. Default costume is Single Green Female, alternate is her lawyer outfit.

Cosmic Midtown and Cosmic ICP are heading to TC soon if not there already. Entry will be gated somehow. Bosses will be closer to raid level, but will have a much higher chance to drop boss-specific loot and cosmic medallions - so if you ever want a Sacred White Gorilla Necklace or a level 60 cosmic Grim Reaper medallion, you know where to go.

Oh, and due to a hilarious error by Gazillion the Onslaught raid became temporarily accessible on live servers so my SG knocked off the world first kills. :D
I've been wanting to get into this game for a while and think I am about level 12 with Captain America but there just seems to be so much to do, collect ect that I just stop playing after an hour.

I have a load of stuff in my inventory which I don't know what to do with other than feed it to the enchanter which is level 5 but I haven't actually enchanted anything.

Is there a go to guide of what to do?
Level your crafter to 15, your enchanter to 10, then finish off crafter and enchanter in that order.

Loot drops like rain. Just try to keep stuff on that is close to your level and for preference boosts powers you actually use. For artifacts, anything that says +1 to all powers is good. Also keep boss-specific drops; these usually mention the name of the boss that drops them, apart from Zola's ESP Box and the Sacred White Gorilla Necklace (which are both worth major bank). Save all relics, you'll want them later. Only keep Defence urus. Don't worry about collecting elements (the cyan things) until you start seeing Pure ones drop. Always pick up Eternity Splinters, Cube Shards and anything with a magenta name.

For everyone else: She-Hulk has been delayed until early next week, so the Big Ten event has been left on all weekend. Server-side XP boost will be at 216% until then, so this is the time to grab some XP cups and level anyone you don't like (or prestige them to red).

(Removing the HANDY HINT as the exploit has been fixed.)
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She-Hulk is fun. She's a bit slow until she gets Contempt of Court at level 22, but after that she can basically ignore Spirit and just jump up and down on people. Use Assault to get maximum combo points on packs from a single hit, apart from that just jump up and down on people and make sure you keep Lawyer Up up 100% of the time.

Cosmic Midtown and ICP also went live this patch. Do not go in there without a well geared hero unless you enjoy being brutally savaged. If you can take the heat and can find a party, though, the rewards are worth it as bosses drop their unique items, are more likely to drop Cosmic medallions - Sinister Six wave is especially worth it for Grim Reaper - and on Mondays can drop Cosmic Fortune cards.
A warning, though it may be too late: don't do your Genosha quests this week as you won't get influence for them. There's a bug causing some people to not get the weekly or some of their dailies, so to make sure nobody misses out Gaz are going to raise everyone to the cap on Wednesday. Once it's fixed you will want to grind the influence, though, as the level rewards include recipes to upgrade level 60 medallions and insignias in the same way as level 60 uniques can be upgraded now. The grind takes a minimum of eight weeks, and can be done in that time without raiding if you complete the weekly quest.

Axis raid is at the moment harder than Muspelheim Red and has some major glitches, so don't worry about it for now.

Lastly, X-Defence will no longer be in the Shared Quests rotation. I wouldn't be surprised if it's removed from the game at some point, as it now serves no purpose other than spawning Hybrid Agent Donais for the easter egg hunt.
Newsflash: a recipe to upgrade Insignias to level 60 will be added some time this month. So hang onto those lower level ones with the good affixes - soon they can be item level 66 Cosmics.
Latest news on Genosha: reputation is now fixed. Genosha dailies and weeklies now provide commendations as well as reputation. If you don't have Proven influence with the GLF, file a bug report. If you do and have 650 Protector's Commendations, you can buy the recipe to upgrade Insignias to 66; however, it's not worth it unless you already have all the level 69 upgrade recipes for slots 1-5.

Hero's and Protector's Commendations cap at 250 per week. If you want to earn all of them without raiding, you will have to complete the following:

* Genosha weekly.
* Genosha daily and all three Shared Quests every day of the week.
* All six One-Shot bosses every day (Wizard doesn't drop them in Wakanda).
I feel like I'm spamming up this page of late.

Code: INFLUENCE for 200 GLF influence in a crate. This will catch you up if you're behind. Don't use it until you've earned your normal 200 for the week as it will cap you, but you can go over the cap with it.

GLF is now working correctly, and you should be at Allied with the recipe for upgrading Medallions to 66. 550 Protector's Commendations, but as with Insignias it's not worth it unless you have them to burn.
What this like now,

I haven't tried it since launch when it was plagued with server issues and lag, are there many people still playing?
What this like now,

I haven't tried it since launch when it was plagued with server issues and lag, are there many people still playing?

It's superb, very active and friendly community. If you haven't played it for a while you might be overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff in the game.

It's one game that actually gets better with age !
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