Marvel's The Punisher

Really enjoying this, only two episodes in and have no desire to binge watch...which is actually a good thing.

It took me weeks to watch Stranger Things, a show that's in my all time favourites, these shows are like a good meal, you want to savour it and not just munch your way through in record time.
I really enjoyed the 2004 Punisher movie with Thomas Jane. Wolverine and the like, tend to leave me cold.

I am not really up to speed with Marvel hero's and all the back story. Just interested to hear how it compares with the '04 film, or is it like comparing apples and oranges?
I really enjoyed the 2004 Punisher movie with Thomas Jane. Wolverine and the like, tend to leave me cold.

I am not really up to speed with Marvel hero's and all the back story. Just interested to hear how it compares with the '04 film, or is it like comparing apples and oranges?

Janes Punisher isn't really accurate at all, it's heavily diluted for the movie goers of the time and imo is a pretty poor film all round, War Zone was a much more accurate and frankly, more entertaining version of Punisher.

The Netflix version is the definitive Punisher though...until someone has the balls to adapt Ennis's work. ;)
Just finished it, awesome show. Completely different tone from the other Marvel shows on Netflix, even in the slow parts it was always building towards something and didn't feel like time wasted.

My only criticisms are it's on Netflix they could have pushed the boundaries slightly more with the violence (with the exception of the last episode) and the sex scenes felt out of place due to how they were shot and the traditional American way of keeping everything covered and it detracted from the scenes.
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Ah that explains it, Scott Buck (Iron Fist & Inhumans) had nothing to do with it so he cant sabatage the show and Joe Quasada was there to make sure it doesnt bugger up.
Was never a fan of The Punisher, surprised so many liked it. The Punisher looked like Simple Jack in the last 2 episodes.
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Two episodes left, I don't want this to end. I worry there won't be a second season as good as this due to the Evil Mouse Corp. plans for Marvel shows.
I have watched 8 eps so far. Loved the first 2-3 but seems to have gone a bit slow, tinker tailor soldier spy/Shooter and not enough punishing. Still very good though, cant wait to watch the last few eps.
Best Marvel series yet for me, thought it was absolutely spot on and I really liked the fact that other than the usual inhuman tolerance to getting shot and beaten to a pulp there weren't any mutants and supers involved.
According to some critics, the show is too violent! What on earth do they expect it's the Punisher, he punishes. As usual they then blame it to real life.
The last few episodes were particularly gruesome. I enjoyed it as a whole, I'd still say Daredevil is better but it's a close second for me.
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