Marvel's The Punisher

According to some critics, the show is too violent! What on earth do they expect it's the Punisher, he punishes. As usual they then blame it to real life.

I did laugh when I read some of them.

If anything I think Netflix tamed it down compared to how far they could have gone with it. An awful lot was implied violence.
I've got a couple of episodes to go and on the whole I'm really enjoying it, I certainly wouldn't give it the 54% average on Metacritic, I think that's very harsh. Having said that, there are one or two bits that have bugged me:

  • Frank trying to shoot Agent Orange when he's at the CIA safe house. The windows would blatantly be bulletproof at a safe house, I'm nothing to do with military and I would have figured that out, so it seems very unlikely an elite former military guy wouldn't.
  • Curtis busting down the door of O'Connor's house. Anybody in real life, having lifted the letter box and smelled a rotting corpse, would have stepped outside and phoned the police. Curtis had no reason to know that Lewis was in there, so why bust the door down? It seemed like a clear mcguffin by the writers so that they could get Frank to turn up and get him painted as the terrorist
  • Also, related to that scene, I find it very hard to believe that an elite former marine, even one with a fake leg, wouldn't be able to take down a basic ex-army guy, particularly when there's a pretty big size difference between the two of them.
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there are one or two bits that have bugged me:

Regarding the glass - not necessarily though I saw the bullet proof glass coming - safe houses are often just an "off the books" refuge with basic supplies that may or may not be upgraded. I do find it unlikely that he wouldn't have considered it a factor however with his supposed training he would have cased the place thoroughly.

Wasn't really paying attention to what weapon he was using in that scene but assuming it was something firing your average sniper rifle round like 338 Lapua it would go through the kind of "bullet proof" glass used in those kind of installations - though it'll stop 7.62, etc.

EDIT: Looks like its some type of Accuracy International rifle but I can't tell which as the scene is so dark - which could be anywhere from 7.62 through to .50BMG.
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Just finished it - found the last 2 episodes predictable and boring as **** the rest was pretty decent but could have done with at least one more spree of "punishing" somewhere in there.
I loved it, its my favorite of the marvel series to date followed by the first season of daredevil. Really hope it gets a second season and they don't tame him down for it.
Just finished watching the series, definitley got weaker towards the end.. But it was a great binge watch..

I would love to watch Daredevil, but i just HATE Elden Henson... ever since the butterfly effect.
I would love to watch Daredevil, but i just HATE Elden Henson... ever since the butterfly effect.

Daredevil is absolutely excellent and is well worth the watch if you can get over your hatred! It has, in my opinion, some of the finest fight sequences ever put to film.

In season 2, Daredevil in the stairwell and Frank Castle in the prison really stand out
Decided to give this a go after reading this thread. It hasn't really grabbed me though. Just watched the first 4 episodes, not sure will I bother watching the rest.
Decided to give this a go after reading this thread. It hasn't really grabbed me though. Just watched the first 4 episodes, not sure will I bother watching the rest.

It's a slow burner but after the first 3 / 4 it starts to get going, would definitely stick it out.
Overall I liked this. I only have one problem, with the Punisher being in Daredevil I was hoping the show would hit the ground running. The slow burn approach with OK but didn't take full advantage of what could have been.
Finished it this morning, definitely got a bit more gorefest in the last couple of episodes and is the only Marvel series I've actually stuck with. Might give Daredevil another go.
It's a slow burner but after the first 3 / 4 it starts to get going, would definitely stick it out.

IMO most people will probably make their mind up in the first 2-3 episodes though its quite slow burning - if the potential hasn't pulled you in within the first few episodes I don't think the rest will really change someone's mind.
Liked the series, but...
- considering this is reboot with different actor to Thomas Jane (btw, heavens better thinking man's Punisher but oh well, we can't have everything), why make it into continuation in the first episode? I'd rather watch the full backstory with his wife and all as the first season.
- few terrible editing decisions between episodes in the middle of the season, where after couple of painfully slow burners all of a sudden between end credits of previous episode and opening credits of the next episode we were chucked into scene or location that made no sense in terms of continuity, two or three times I had to go back to see if I didn't miss something (or entire episode maybe even). Just odd.
- Amber Rose Revah. The cop girl. Easily the weirdest choice of main supporting actress in action series. Nice new nose job and all, but literally not an iota of talent, articulation of someone with denture coming unstuck and a screen presence of an angry hobbit two numbers too small for a child sized kevlar vest.
- That ending, man, talk about dragging things out for screen time.
other than that - binged, liked, would binge again on S02
As a comic book reader...really disappointed that...

I didn't see that Jigsaw ending coming

Also...why so much praise for Jane's Punisher, it was awful. For example when he uses the ice pop on the skin to simulate burning, real Punisher would just blowtorch them.
Also...why so much praise for Jane's Punisher, it was awful.

Just more "intelligent" Punisher from the actor, Jon Bernthal's Punisher is more of a knuckle dragging jarhead Punisher, complete with banging his head against fist in "stoopid, stoopid, stoopid" amok at some point. We all know the role should have gone to Tom Hardy for the best portrayal...
Overall I enjoyed it! Definitely one of the better Marvel series (Iron Fist I am looking at you).

Would watch S2 for sure.
Liked the series, but...
- considering this is reboot with different actor to Thomas Jane (btw, heavens better thinking man's Punisher but oh well, we can't have everything), why make it into continuation in the first episode? I'd rather watch the full backstory with his wife and all as the first season.

His backstory was mostly all in Daredevil Season 2. He had (at least) a 4 episode arc and appeared throughout that series.

This one showed us more of his military background, but his family being killed was fully explained in Daredevil.
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