Liked the series, but...
- considering this is reboot with different actor to Thomas Jane (btw, heavens better thinking man's Punisher but oh well, we can't have everything), why make it into continuation in the first episode? I'd rather watch the full backstory with his wife and all as the first season.
- few terrible editing decisions between episodes in the middle of the season, where after couple of painfully slow burners all of a sudden between end credits of previous episode and opening credits of the next episode we were chucked into scene or location that made no sense in terms of continuity, two or three times I had to go back to see if I didn't miss something (or entire episode maybe even). Just odd.
- Amber Rose Revah. The cop girl. Easily the weirdest choice of main supporting actress in action series. Nice new nose job and all, but literally not an iota of talent, articulation of someone with denture coming unstuck and a screen presence of an angry hobbit two numbers too small for a child sized kevlar vest.
- That ending, man, talk about dragging things out for screen time.
other than that - binged, liked, would binge again on S02