**Mass Effect 3**

Oh come on, beings capable of wiping out all evolved life in the galaxy every 50,000 years would surely be above petty things like attacking earth (when they could probably blow it out of space). I dunno its just i pictured it more to be a race against time while the Reapers approached with the attacks happening as a climax. Them attacking Earth just to **** off shephard seems a little stupid when you're talking about a race of giant super advanced machines.

I agree it does seem a bit silly for them to attack Earth alone, maybe they just want Shepard dead?

From what that Game Informer preview said Shepard is on Earth when they attack. So perhaps they see him as a threat or just a major nuisance who could prolong their attack and want to wipe him out fast.

He could be someone to unify the races for a bigger defence against the reapers, except the Batarians I guess :p
This is how Shepard will take on the Reapers:

Rofl. I bet thats concept art isn't it? :D

I agree it does seem a bit silly for them to attack Earth alone, maybe they just want Shepard dead?

From what that Game Informer preview said Shepard is on Earth when they attack. So perhaps they see him as a threat or just a major nuisance who could prolong their attack and want to wipe him out fast.

He could be someone to unify the races for a bigger defence against the reapers, except the Batarians I guess :p

Heh, perhaps. I dunno i've been thinking for a while that ME3 is gonna end up spread very thin. They've been building up to an epic finale and probably ran into a brick wall and thought '**** how do we finish this' so it'll end up very convoluted. They've been trying to say they'll be incorporating decisions from both the previous games so we're either gonna end up with a metric ton of crappy 'one liner' news reports or some actual effort with them that'll probably cut down the length of the game itself. I mean look at ME2, you got to decide whether the Geth were brainwashed, destroyed that you sold Legion to Cerberus, each of which could easily have huge ramifications, then you got to decide whether you blew up or captured the Collector base, again that should have a huge effect.
Tbh Mass Effect wasn't *that* long if you discount the eternity you spent aimlessly driving around planets looking for buildings with enemies in them and minerals and all the time you spent selling items and travelling back and forth to shops.
I played ME2 through on both PC and Xbox to 100% completion and it took around 45-50hours, and you still want it longer?!
Looking forward to this but only ever played on xbox but will have the option of pc when this comes out, would it be worth getting it on pc or keep my game save file to use on my xbox.
I think he got mixed up with the firefly

tbh they're probably worse, as the saying goes "Reavers 'll rape you to death, eat your flesh, and sew your skin to their clothing, and if you're very very lucky, they'll do it in that order"

Isn't that actually from Serenity? :D
Well, why did the reapers only target Human colonies to create a human reaper?

Maybe the humans have something that the reapers need instead of the other races. Hell, maybe the humans are going to be reapers and the rest annihilated...

Or maybe they realise how much of a dump London is and do us all a favour ;)
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technically yes, the episode it came from was called 'Serenity'

Haha lucky wrong guess on my part then?! I seem to remember it from the film, I'm obviously wrong. Either way, the film and series were amazing - gutted they never made a second series!!!
Well, why did the reapers only target Human colonies to create a human reaper?

Maybe the humans have something that the reapers need instead of the other races. Hell, maybe the humans are going to be reapers and the rest annihilated...

Or maybe they realise how much of a dump London is and do us all a favour ;)

Actually if you read the quotes of Harbinger on the ME wiki he comments on every character/race about whether they were suitable or not.

“Quarian; considered due to cybernetic augmentation, weakened immune system too debilitating.”

“Drell; useless, insufficient numbers.”

“Human; viable possibility, aggression factor useful if controlled.”

“Asari; reliance upon alien species for reproduction shows genetic weakness.”

“Salarian; insufficient lifespan, fragile genetic structure.”

“Human; viable possibility, impressive genetic malleability.”

“Geth; an annoyance, limited utility.”

“Human; viable possibility, impressive technical potential.”

“Human; viable possibility, if emotional drives are subjugated.”

“Human; viable possibility, great biotic potential.”

“Krogan; sterilised race, potential wasted.”

“Turian; you are considered...too primitive.”

Nothing to do with Shephard.
Actually if you read the quotes of Harbinger on the ME wiki he comments on every character/race about whether they were suitable or not.

Nothing to do with Shephard.

I was talking about why they would only target Earth (Or only Human settlements)

I wonder if in the 3rd one they will still try to harvest the humans or just want to destroy everything in revenge...would be an interesting concept if they do possess the ability to feel revenge, gives them a whole new edge from their 'logical' facade.
I had problems getting into ME1 when it first came out. I think it was the unfocused character development. I ended up getting just over half way through then ended up playing something else.

When ME2 came out I absolutely got sucked in. Played it twice and then retried ME1 and loved it. Then played ME2 again :D

I just hope ME3 will not go down the DA2 path. A balance of ME1 and ME2 would be great.
I wonder if Miranda Lawson and the rest of the crew from ME2 will return in ME3??

Perhaps Cerberus blames Shepard for the Turian attacks on their facilities which happened after ME2??
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I think not. Shepard seems to be an enemy of Cerberus in ME3 - the Normandy seems to have been stripped down and rebuilt again by the Alliance. He's back to being a Spectre/Alliance man again.
I think not. Shepard seems to be an enemy of Cerberus in ME3 - the Normandy seems to have been stripped down and rebuilt again by the Alliance. He's back to being a Spectre/Alliance man again.

Considering that Miranda Lawson or Jack are one of the two romantic options in ME2 it probably would annoy a few people if they do not appear in ME3!

However,the Turians did attack the Cerberus facilities after ME2 so I wonder if they blame Shepard for this??
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