**Mass Effect 3**

I was just about to play though one and two again when three was announced. Now I can't bring myself to do it as I want my Shepard to finish her journey first. I don't want to start playing it again and like my new Shepard more! :D
He's back to being a Spectre/Alliance man again.

As Tycho from PA so elegantly wrote:

Shepherd is not now, nor has ever been, a man. I don't know who the dude traipsing around in the commercials is; a jerk, most likely.

:D Can't wait to break out my Shep again, she's primed and ready to kick some Reaper bootay. :cool:
I REALLY hope they have lots more of the Rachni and their Queen. They were the most fascinating species in Mass Effect for me (apart from the Reapers and Collectors). It will be a shame if you don't spend some time discovering more about them and fighting alongside them.
And why would Cerberus now be out to kill Shephard? :confused:

Was thinking about this more and here are some ideas (spoilers ahead!):

Maybe it all comes down to their ultimate goal; the survival of humanity no matter what. Nearly everything Cerberus does is for the "greater good" and if billions have to die to safe-guard that then they feel that is a price worth paying. Perhaps TIM sees the number and power of the Readers, loses hope of defeating them and gets desperate. Then he foolishly makes a deal with them (maybe under their subtle 'influence', not full-blown indoctrination...yet) to spare enough humans to continue the race after they pack up and leave again, allowing them to attack Earth and wipe out all other species for the "greater good".

Alternatively, it's even possible that TIM has some sort of cryogenic project where a selection of humans are in hiding somewhere (similar to what the Protheans did with Ilos) and he actually WANTS the Reapers to succeed and wipe out humanity and every other sentient alien in the galaxy. Then when the Reapers sod off for another 50,000 years good ole TIM and his hidden human subjects will have the galaxy virtually empty of any opposition. Remember TIM thinks long-term here, and if he believes we can't beat the Reapers then he'll surely look for a way to turn a negative into a positive.

That or he is simply indoctrinated or just plain off his head whacko...anyway I'm looking forward to the moment Shep shoves the **** out the nearest airlock :cool:
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Unless he's just ****ed at you for destroying the base and allowing the Alliance to capture the Normanday SR2 along with EDI.
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What if you handed over the base to Cerberus, tho? And the second bit would be really petty in whole scheme of things.
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What if you handed over the base to Cerberus, tho?

Perhaps the technology backfires eg indoctrination. Not saying I like or dislike the ME3 plot summary at this point.

And the second bit would be really petty in whole scheme of things.

True, but TIM isn't exactly a nice guy (I'm going to call bull on the idea that Jack was the result of a rogue cell). Not to mention the thresher maw experiment, assassinations, bombing a Quarian ship etc. Those kind of events fit with the ends-justify-means character we get in 2.
Perhaps the technology backfires eg indoctrination.

Just what I was thinking. Perhaps if you hand it over, they play more on the indoctrination angle, and if you destroy it it's more that he's just ****ed off at you.

True, but TIM isn't exactly a nice guy (I'm going to call bull on the idea that Jack was the result of a rogue cell). Not to mention the thresher maw experiment, assassinations, bombing a Quarian ship etc. Those kind of events fit with the ends-justify-means character we get in 2.

Eh, don't get me started. Loads of stuff I'm itchin' to see how they address in ME3.
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