*** Mass Effect 3 ***

I see Mac Walters is now the lead writer, no sign of Drew Karpsyhn on the writing team this time.

I think Mac Walters has been the main writer through the series so I wouldn't think there is much to worry about there.

Playing through the dlc Overlord in ME2, about experiments with Geth and a Rogue AI, I took Tali along thinking she might have at least one comment to make about the whole thing.... Not a word from anyone though:(

I hope with future dlc they make more of an effort adding lines to all the characters and not just Shepard, for the amount of dialogue there is in the dlc I wouldn't have thought it would be that much more of an inconvenience.
Yet they've managed to get the majority of ME2's cast to reprise their roles for 3...even minor roles like everyone's favourite punchbag reporter have the same person credited.

I suspect that was contractual.

Imagine Martin Sheen deciding he didn't want to voice IM for part 3? You'd have to invent some way to write him out, or him becoming mute ;)

And I wonder how accurate IMDB is? We've got Adam Baldwin listed as Kal'Reeger, wonder if he's playing a bigger part in 3? Ditto Carrie-Anne Moss.

And (while I still have the floor) I think they did a cracking job of voice acting overall in ME2 - I don't recall hearing any 'bad' voicing at all, if anything I found the worst to be Yvonne Strahovski - despite the fact she's awesome in Chuck (and I heart her long time)
I am pretty sure I read in a preview ages ago that Kal'Reager was returning, though can't he die in 2?

I agree that the voice acting is top class all round in these games, I can't think of a bad one.
Well Deception is being torn apart on various review sites. Still nothing from EA/BW, but they must be well aware of it by now.

Oh, and that reporter on the voice cast - weird, don't know what to make of it.
I must admit it did surprise me when she said she'd be voicing a character, I thought she was going to start talking about what the game meant to her.

No previous voice acting experience that I know of, I hope she does a good job.
By looking at the thread on how GAME aren't doing so well at the moment, I've cancelled my ME 3 CE (PC) pre-order.

Any other suggestions here I can get it for the same price? (£59.99).
I see that the Mass Effect 3 site links to Gamestation, but aren't they owned by GAME?

I'm not getting much luck on Google searches neither.

I think Game own Gamestation. Are they supposed to be closing down before ME3 comes out?

Well I've no idea, but they seem to be the only suppliers of the Collectors Edition, and as mentioned above, it's been brought to the UK exclusively by GAME.

What will happen if they do close down? How to obtain it?
Anyone seen this? http://www.shacknews.com/article/72281/mass-effect-3-offering-unlocks-via-facebook-missions

Not sure what to make of it :rolleyes:.

I know it mentions 360, but i guess it will be for PC to.

It's just another case of them trying to cater for as many people as they can, they understandably want as many sales as possible and taking the game through as many mediums as possible is a good way of maximising sales and income.

I don't think it's anything to worry about.
Getting it thru origin so hopefully! Can't be arsed with disks! I work nights so will defo book Thursday off then!
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