I still have had a number of bugs, a lot more than I would expect for a game released months a go. But over all I have enjoyed it and would have paid full price for it (I have it on origin access for £4). I'm still unsure about the writing of the protagonist though. It doesn't feel like a explorer fighting for survival in another galaxy but a wise cracking comedian on a swash buckling adventure with some of his replies.
I still have had a number of bugs, a lot more than I would expect for a game released months a go

What bugs have you found, in over 100 hours of gameplay all I can complain about is overly long load times at certain points and once getting stuck in some rocks and not being able to get out.

I'm still unsure about the writing of the protagonist though. It doesn't feel like a explorer fighting for survival in another galaxy but a wise cracking comedian on a swash buckling adventure with some of his replies.

To be honest I've found that the tone of the the story pretty much matches the options you choose in the dialogue wheel, though perhaps things could be darker given the circumstances.
Just started playing this over the past few nights and have had 3 crashes in just over a couple of hours play - seems to be either when calling up the menu or during dialogues with characters. It could be due to a fairly aggressive memory overclock I have on my Vega 64 but it's stable for all other games. Any one else experiencing similar problems with this game? Vega owners in particular?

Edit: So turned the HBM overclock on the GPU down from 1100 to 1075Mhz and played for 2 hours tonight without issue. Hopefully that's the end of the crashes.
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Did anyone experience the occasion red flash across the screen near the end of being down in the Vaults in EOS 1? Scared the poop out of me in case it was my GPU misbehaving. There is an overclock on it although it had been fine up to now with those settings. Not seen it in any other games or once I got back to the surface afterwards so no reason to believe it's a problem with my GPU just yet but it would be comforting to learn that this was part of the game and not exclusive to me...
* thread bump from last year *

Bought this last night whilst it was on sale. Performance has been absolutely terrible during most of the playthrough. Held steady at 60fps for the first hour or so and then went downhill rapidly. Do you think it could be my GPU being throttled by high temperature? It was about 69 deg C when I quit the game.
* thread bump from last year *

Bought this last night whilst it was on sale. Performance has been absolutely terrible during most of the playthrough. Held steady at 60fps for the first hour or so and then went downhill rapidly. Do you think it could be my GPU being throttled by high temperature? It was about 69 deg C when I quit the game.

Shouldnt be too bad, I played through on a 1080 @ 1440p with no issues.
* thread bump from last year *

Bought this last night whilst it was on sale. Performance has been absolutely terrible during most of the playthrough. Held steady at 60fps for the first hour or so and then went downhill rapidly. Do you think it could be my GPU being throttled by high temperature? It was about 69 deg C when I quit the game.

What gpu :)? And 69c is pretty tame by all gpu standards so no, that isn’t an issue.
* thread bump from last year *

Bought this last night whilst it was on sale. Performance has been absolutely terrible during most of the playthrough. Held steady at 60fps for the first hour or so and then went downhill rapidly. Do you think it could be my GPU being throttled by high temperature? It was about 69 deg C when I quit the game.

That’s fine. If it’s a 1070 as your sign indicates, that’s more then fine temp for the 1070.

What is the clock speed it holds however?
I dunno what the clock speeds are, they’ll be the default low ones on the reference cards I should imagine. I don’t know if something is screwy on the driver side. I reinstalled Windows 10 tonight. I can’t install the drivers from nVidia as the setup says my card is not compatible and the Dell ones are buggy because the NVidia control panel won’t open with them.

I can’t be arsed messing about so I’ve taken advantage of the 24 hour refund thing on Origin. I’ll have to go back and play the PS4 version which ironically has better frame rate than I was getting on this computer.
Just from what you described, it sounds like it might be something with the card if you can't get drivers to install after a reinstallation.

Had a previous 7950 that permitted passable frame rates on all ultra settings at 1080P (Single Player is 14 to low 30s, Multiplayer is better at around 20 to high 30s).
RX580 is 60+ fps at all settings on Ultra, and 45+ during SP on 1440P and 55+ during MP at 1440P.

I'll be surprised if your 1070 can't compete with the RX580 in MEA.

I know it's a bit late now, but more details would be useful. What do you mean after the first hour? Of MP? Or SP? Where in SP? Roughly where did you remember seeing the framerate start diving? Do you remember if you had the correct scaling?
I didn't touch the multiplayer. The game started going dippy during the big lightning strike on Habitat 7, which is sort of understandable. I finished that area and turned it off and went for tea. Started again in the Nexus, where after a short while, the frame rate dropped inexplicably from 60 to 20 and bounced about between 20 and 40. When I got on board the Tempest it was bouncing between 15 and 30. Restarted game and it held at 60 for a bit but plummeted again soon enough. The settings were initially on Ultra but I dropped them down to High and it didn’t seem to make much difference.

The scaling was at 1.0, playing at 1080p on the TV.

As for the drivers, the error message is something along the lines of “this version of Windows isn’t compatible with these drivers” rather than no compatible hardware found. I downloaded Windows 10 directly from MS website.

There’s one more thing I need to try and that’s installing Windows (again) with the internet unplugged and trying to install the nVidia drivers before Windows Update downloads its own drivers. Maybe it’s something to do with that.
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Hmmm, that's really weird then. The lightning strike on Habitat 7 shouldn't cause such a drop in the rate (7750, 7950 and RX580 have no issues with drops after hours of play). I'd imagine it's the drivers since it's throwing a small fit about compatibility, but I'd take a gander at the card itself too. Never tried nVidia cards before, so dunno if official Windows drivers shouldn't work just as well as custom drivers. But I'd have thought they should do for official drivers at the very least.

Are all the fans spinning? Has the card been modded with a different bios? All power plugged in proper? Power settings not limiting things in Windows?
There's definitely something not right with the Windows drivers. When I tried my idea of installing the nVidia ones whilst disconnected from the net in a brand new Windows install, they installed right away with zero errors. What a shame I got rid of the game cause I'd like to try it again now. Maybe I'll pick it up at Christmas.
I don't know if you've used it already, or even if it's still available to obtain after a purchase of the full game. But there used to be a time limited demo available. That was basically the full game but limited to 10 hours. That should be enough time to permit you to run checks on GPU and frame rate issues etc if you haven't used it already and it's still available. The only caveat about obtaining the demo is, that Origin keeps it in memory and so you will also have the MEA Demo client always put back onto your storage drive where the main game is stored. But it's only 75MB in size, so shouldn't be that big a deal I guess. So you could in theory try and get the demo to do testing if you need (again, assumes it is still available to obtain).
1.10 was the last update, don't think there will be any more.

Definitely no more for SP, but MP gets the "Shiny Mew" (super rare, pokemon reference) update every so often (not that often basically) that updates the MP side a tiny bit in the form of weapon and ability updates. Although it does appear that the remaining producer, if they felt confident enough, could attempt minor additions (but likely won't). As it appears that modders are able to change things fairly easily, even for MP, and the most recent XB1 update that messed with things for those players hints that the MP side can be modified a lot more without the need of an official patch or update.

But I agree with the rest and it's likely you won't meet with any more updates to the game itself overall.

Would suggest getting a few mods if you don't mind playing with mods, to reinstate the Warp biotic ability in SP (the major thing), and include the other abilities in MP (and previous games) that are not in SP (Like Shield Boost, and Fortification/Fortify). Yes, it'll make SP game noticably easier, especially on the highest difficulty. But to be honest, it's more about the story anyway. And the removal of some abilities were really harsh on specific builds in game in SP (Pure Biotic ranged users were buggered as you only had Singularity to prime with and you often get swarmed in this game, especially against ALL the shielded and armoured enemies, and there were a LOT of them).
0/10 alt+f4 after about 45minutes.

Dialogue is terrible.
sisters in a broken cryopod? who cares.

squad members crying the enemy doesn't fight fair.... what? why would they...

can open the map with 1 key, but takes 2 taps of a different key to get back out :rolleyes:

felt more frustrated every time I opened the map, enemies are bullet spongers and I saw on reddit someone saying they scale with you .... great.

seems like a terrible game no wonder everyone says skip it
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0/10 alt+f4 after about 45minutes.

Dialogue is terrible.
sisters in a broken cryopod? who cares.

squad members crying the enemy doesn't fight fair.... what? why would they...

can open the map with 1 key, but takes 2 taps of a different key to get back out :rolleyes:

felt more frustrated every time I opened the map, enemies are bullet spongers and I saw on reddit someone saying they scale with you .... great.

seems like a terrible game no wonder everyone says skip it

Exact same response from me everytime I try it. It's the dialogue, it's just beyond awful!!! It's like they thought their crowd was a bunch of Fortnite players and not actual gamers. Totally the wrong direction for a Mass Effect game.

'I bet he's going to be upset, because I blew his head off!'....... First time I heard that in combat, I legit gave up caring for the game.
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